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I awoke to Kazuha shaking me gently.
"Hey.." he said softly as I turned to look at him. I felt like I had just slept the best I ever had in my life. I looked up at him and there was a look of pure love in his smile, his gaze soft and warm.
"Did I..fall asleep..?" I asked embarrassed. How lame! I thought.
"Yes, but don't worry. It's perfectly normal." He said. "It just means it was good." He smiled and I blushed. We really ...
"It's alright, I like naps anyways... and I'm sorry to disturb you...but its going to rain." He said. I looked up at the sky and gave him a confused look. I don't see a single cloud. Kazuha laughed.
"The wind tells me these things." He said. He let go of me and sat up, stretching his arms behind his back. I stared at him watching his body move, and blushed. That's really mine? He noticed me looking at him and blushed too, letting out a small smile.
"Oh uhm, s-sorry" I said bringing my hands to my face. Kazuhas smile turned into a frown and he grabbed my wrists, pulling them away.
"Hey..don't hide your face from me..." he said quietly and he bent over and kissed me on the forehead. This boy... Still holding my hands, he stood up.
"Come on." He said. I started to stand but my legs gave out and I wobbled like a newborn. He quickly caught me.
"Ahhh heh.." I forced a weak laugh. "S-sorry." Kazuha shook his head.
"Youre perfectly fine." He said smiling. He helped me up and grabbed our clothes.

Once we had gotten changed I noticed some small clouds forming in the distance. Huh.. I thought.
We started making our way towards the shore that lead off the small island. Kazuha and I were holding hands and I felt like the happiest girl in the world. Who knew I could be this happy?
About a quarter mile into our walk back Kazuha suddenly stopped in his tracks, causing me to follow. A sense of unease seemed to spread over him and I looked around, examining the area. I..don't see anything...
"Kazu-" I started.
"Shh." He said, interrupting me. "Something's not right." He started crouching down, pulling me down with him. His hand tightened around mine. I started getting anxious. After a few moments pass he slowly starts to stand up. My eyes dart everywhere, trying to find potential danger. Nothing.
"Y/n, what ever happens.." Kazuha starts, then, flying into my field of vision, is an electro infused arrow.

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