Glad to be here

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A few weeks had passed. The wound at my side was healing nicely according to Beidou and I was now able to walk about normally. I didn't need to rest as much either which was nice. Beidou and Kazuha were taking very good care of me, so I decided to ask if there was anything I could do to repay them. Beidou just laughed and said "Just keep getting better for now", as she patted my head.
Kazuha would come find me when he had free time and we would walk about the boat. He showed me all around, including the kitchen and where he stayed, which was just a few rooms down from mine. Yesterday we were walking and he stopped and looked at me.
"Y/n, you haven't mentioned your family since you've been here. Aren't they worried about you?"
I looked down and didn't say anything.
"Oh, if it's too personal you don't have to tell me anything." He assured.
"'s ok" I said and looked up. "It's just...I ran away."
Kazuha smiled. "You and I have that in common."
"You..ran away too?"
"Yes." He said. "Like I mentioned before I too have suffered at the hands of the Shogun and the vision hunt decree." He looked at his hand and picked a little at the bandage that was wrapped around it. He noticed my confused expression and raised his hand. "Turns out a dying vision burns those who hold it."
I grab his hand, not sure why but I wanted to comfort him somehow. He looked at me surprised . "Y/n? You're..crying."
A tear rolled down my cheek and I realized I was in fact crying. I brought my hand to my face but Kazuha was faster and he wiped the tear from my cheek. He had such a soft expression.
"Oh t-thanks." I struggled to get out, a little flustered and embarrassed. "It's just that you're so didn't deserve any of that..." I sniffled.
Suddenly I found that Kazuhas arm was around my back and he pulled me in to his chest, embracing me.
"Thank you y/n. You are kind as well to cry for me." He put his other arm around me and put his chin on the top of my head. I hugged him back tightly. I found my self crying harder. I haven't had a hug long. It felt pathetic but it was nice..especially from him for some reason. He just That's the only reason, right?

"Ah Kazuha! I've been looking for you! What are you doing just standi- Oh y/n! I didn't see you behind Kazuha." It was Beidou. Kazuha let go of me but left one arm behind my back as he turned around.
"Good afternoon Beidou" Kazuha said. Embarrassed, I rubbed the tears from my eyes.
"Everything alright?" Beidou asked as she walked up to me and put her hand on my head. She did that a lot.
"Y-yes." I said still wiping my face. I looked up and smiled. "I'm just very grateful to be here."
Beidou looked surprised and then smiled brightly. "We're glad to have ya!" She said as she came to my side opposite of Kazuha and put her arm around me as well. She looked at Kazuha.
"I'm glad you found someone" she said.
"Didn't you say you were looking for me?" Kazuha blurted out. I looked at him. Is he...blushing?
Beidou laughed. "Yes, there's something I want to talk to you about, an idea I had"
"An idea?" He questioned.
"Yep! Come on, let's talk about it in the dinning hall." She said and started to walk away.
Kazuha stepped forward to follow her and I grabbed his sleeve.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Can..I come with you?" I asked, suddenly feeling anxious of being left behind.
Kazuha smiled at me. "Of course you can."

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