A duty

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Later that night Beidou came in and checked my bandage as promised. "Kazuha! You're still here." She laughed as she walked in.
"Yes, I was just keeping y/n company." He said smiling. His smile is so comforting.
"I see, well don't forget you have duties to attend to." She said.
"Of course". He got up and I felt a little sad, I enjoyed his company. Kazuha stopped at the door and turned around. "I'll be back later y/n"
"Ok, bye" I said. He left and Beidou came over to me.
"You're lucky he found you." She said quietly. I nodded.
"Kazuha is very kind. So easygoing, and he has a calming presence." I said, and Beidou chuckled.
"You're right about that. You know, when we first found him and took him in he wouldn't say a word, he just put his head down and work." She put a wet towel on my wound and I winced.
"Sorry, it's going to be hurting for a while longer. I can give you some herbs for the pain, they might make you drowsy though." She replaced the bandage and put everything away.
"Thank you." I said as she stood up. "For everything.." A big smile spread across her face.
"Don't mention it! Happy to help another electro wealder!" She said pointing to her vision. "You're healing well so make sure to get rest now, it's the most important thing. Have a good night." She winked and left the room.
It was night now. I could see stars out from the door way. The boat was rocking and the water was softly lapsing against the boat, and I felt myself getting tired. I layed down and let the boat rock me to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to hear seagulls outside. I felt very groggy. The herbs Beidou gave me really did help. I felt very sore but I didn't feel the stinging pain I had felt before. I slowly sretched my back and looked over to see some water next to me. I smiled, Kazuha. I took the cup and almost like he heard me think his name he appeared in the door way.
"Good morning" he said. "May I come in?" I nodded and he came over and sat next me. "I came back last night but you were sound asleep, I decided it was best not to disturb you."
"Oh, I wouldn't have minded." I said.
Kazuha smiled. "You need to heal." He put his hand to my forehead and smiled again. "You're fever is down. I'm glad."
"That's good to hear." I said. A few moments passed. "Hey Kazuha?" I asked.
"What's is it y/n?" He questioned.
"We barely know each other but you're so caring to me. Why is that?"
"You need help, why wouldn't I?"
"I appreciate that. But..there isn't something more?" I asked.
Kazuha smiled and looked down. Sadness seemed to enter his expression.
"Oh! B-but you don't need to answer!" I exclaim. I felt a little panicked seeing him sad.
"No." He said as he looks at me. "It's ok."
I relax a little. "What is it...?"
"I felt like I had a duty."
"Yes. You see, I lost a dear friend to the vision hunt decree. I wasn't able to save him..so when I saw you...I felt like I was able to repay him. He too had an electro vision," he pulls out a dull and colorless vision. "So.. maybe I saw a little bit of him in you." He looks so sad...
"I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.." I said. "Thank you for sharing with me."
Kazuha smiled. "I can tell you're a good person, the wind seems to agree. I think we will be good friends..if you would allow it."
"Of course! You saved my life, I owe you"
He laughed. "You needn't feel you have a debt to repay. I'm glad we met."
"Me too." We smiled at each other for a minute longer.
"How are you feeling? I was hoping if you felt you had the strength you would accompany me on a short walk, work on getting some muscle back maybe"
"Oh yes! I've been dying to see what the rest of the boat looks like!" I say with excitement.
"Well then, let's go."

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