I cant lose her

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-This chapter is in Kazuhas POV-

Every instinct was telling me to run but y/n was still shaky from earlier, and I didn't want to set her into a panic. I crouched over her as I looked around to spot what was coming. Despite my attempts, y/n was starting to get nervous. I need to calm her down some how..
"Y/n, whatever happens.." I start to say but I stop as an arrow comes flying toward us. I grab y/n and duck just in time and the arrow lands in the sand directly next to us. Y/n gasps. When I see the arrow my heart drops. I know that arrow. My eyes dart around frantically.
"No.. it can't be." I accidentally let out.
"Can't be what..?" Y/n asks looking up at me, anxious, her heart beating fast.
"Stay by me" I say. I don't want to make her scared but I can tell I'm failing. She knows me too well.
"Kaedehara Kazuha!" I female voice yells. My blood runs cold. Kujou Sara. I instinctively grab y/n's arm and bolt. We don't get very far because another arrow lands right in front of us, stopping me in my tracks.
"Kazuha!?" y/n says from behind me, her voice panicky. I can't fight and protect her at the same time! I try to make another run for it but three soldiers emerge from the bushes on either side of us. An ambush.
"I can fight too!" Y/n says, shakily, hand on her vision. No no no that's the last thing she should be doing!
"Kaedehara Kazuha!" Kujou Saras voice booms again. "You are wanted for treason against the Shogunate!" Y/n's breathing starts to accelerate and she gripped my arm. There's nothing that can be done now, I just need to get us out of here safely. My eyes dart around as I try to find an exit in the guards positions. I start to feel a sense of dread as I can't pick up the wind as well as I should. Right..the storm I remember. I need to get y/n out of here. I clutch her hand as I bolt to the side of the guards to our right, but another arrow comes flying and stops us in our tracks.
"Kazuha!" Y/n exclaims frightened. I turn to look at her, in an attempt to comfort her. Her being panicked will only make things worse.
"Just stay by me-" I start but I hear another arrow being readied. I turn to look and prepare myself but y/n screams.
"Kazuha!!" She yells. I look at her, distracted, and she's looking up at Kujou Sara. What- but before I can process y/n rams into me. She sensed it too?!
As I quickly recover from the sudden off balance caused by y/n I direct my attention to Kujou Sara who already has another arrow readied and..it's pointed right at y/n! NO!!
Everything happens so fast and in slow motion at once. Before I knew it I was right in front of Kujou Sara, my blade ready. Lighting was all around me, but I didn't even try and process it. I just sliced at Sara, sending her and all the guards back in one big blast. I look down at Tomo's vision at my side and it was.. glowing?!
"Kazuha!!" I hear y/n yell. I turn around expecting her to be as surprised as I was about the vision but.. my heart drops.

Y/n was standing there, and sticking out of her side was an arrow.
"Y/n!!" I yell. I rush to her just in time to catch her falling.
"K-ka-kazu-" she sputters. I look down and my breath catches in my throat.
"No.. no no no..." I say, my voice shaky. "Y/n no!" I yell. She was looking up at me, with a confused and shocked expression. No... not again...I can't lose someone like this again...
"Wh-what happ-ended.." y/n asks looking at me. She's in shock. Her breathing fast and shallow.
"Y/n! Hey hey hey you're gonna be ok y/n! hey!" I say shaking her, trying to keep her awake.. I look down at her stomach and there's blood gushing, soaking her clothes.
"I..c-can't fe-feel..." y/n sputters. "K-kazuha.." she barely makes out, her face getting paler by the second. "H-ey I'm co-col-ld-" she says, shaking.
"No hey hey, look at me y/n look at me. You're alright!" I say, my voice breaking. "Just stay with me ok? Keep looking at me." I press down on her wound to try to stop the bleeding. I feel blood come out and onto my fingers.
"Wh-what's wr-ong?" She asks weakly. "Y-you're cry-ing-ng." 
"I know I know just stay awake ok?" I can't lose her.. suddenly I hear stirring over by the bushes. A guard moving! I grab the sword at my side and slice with all the anemo power I can muster, sending the guard flying backwards. My heart pounding so hard it feels like it's in my throat. I feel y/n's grip loosen on my arm and I look down.
"Y/n!!" I scream. Her eyes are closed and her blood is dripping into a puddle on the ground. "No no no hey no!!" I yell shaking her. She doesn't respond. She looks even more pale than when I found her that day. And just like that, as if the the weather is playing a sick joke, rain starts pouring down on us. I stare at y/n in horror as she doesn't react to the raindrops hitting her face. I burst into tears. By some miracle my instincts get me to stand up and start running. I run as fast as I ever have before, using anemo to propel me even further. I can barely see through the rain and my tear filled eyes, but I keep running. I clutch y/n as I skid in a mud puddle. Please! I find my self begging the universe. Not her!

I finally make it to the Alcor and I see Beidou talking to someone by the dock.
"BEIDOU!" I scream. She jumps at the sound of my voice, she's never heard me scream before. I use the remaining stamina I have to bolt over to her, holding the lifeless y/n in my arms. "BEIDOU HELP ME ITS Y/N." I scream in a panic.
"Kazuha what happened!?" Beidou yelled. I dropped to my knees, shaking and sobbing. I've never done this in front of someone, ever in my life. I clutch y/n and desperately try to listen for her heart.
"Beidou I can't hear her heart why can't I hear her heart." I look up at Beidou, tears flowing from my eyes.
"Kazuha." She says in a calm but serious tone. "We need to get her on the ship can you do that?" I nod.
"I think so." I say, my voice quivering. Beidou puts her arm around my shoulder and quickly helps me as I carry y/n onto the boat and into our room.
"Put her on the bed" Beidou says. "Yaxine go get me bandages and water lots of water!" I didn't even notice Yaxine was following us. I hear her run out of the room as I lay the limp love of my life on the bed. Tears still coming from my eyes uncontrollably. Beidou rushed over to the other side of the bed and puts her head over y/n's chest. A serious frown comes over her face and she starts to give CPR. NO NO NO NO NO my thoughts get frantic. She's not breathing
I watch in horror as Beidou administers CPR and y/n not respond.
"Beidou!" I bolt up. "Use electro!" I exclaim, remembering when y/n had that nightmare. Beidous face lit up.
"Okay let go of her." She said and she charged up lightning, and sent it onto y/n's body, seizing. Nothing.
"Again!" I yell. She does it again. Still nothing. My hands cover my mouth as I brace to never see y/n open her eyes again. Suddenly y/n gasps and takes a massive breath of air. 
"Y/n!!" I yell as I grab her shoulders and study her face. Her..eyes aren't opening.... I look up at Beidou still panicked. She is about to say something when Yaxine interrupts.
"I have them!" She says as she runs into the room carrying a bucket of water and a massive stack of bandages and rags. Beidou grabs them from her and puts them down by her.
"Kazuha I either need you to leave this room or help me, what can you do right now." Beidou asks. I look at her and realizes she needs my help. I wipe the tears from my blood shot eyes and take a series of deep breaths.
"I'm helping." I state. Beidou smiles.

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