My favorite person

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A famliar feeling was at my side. Familiar..but by no means pleasant. I m   c o l d . . . s o c o l d
I catch myself drifting in and out of consciousness. I hear voices around me but..I can't tell who it is. T h e r e s p e o p l e h e r e . . . a r e t h e y w h y I m h u r t i n g ?
I can feel someone holding my hand.
"Y—— you're goi—- e ok—" I can make out bits of what theyre saying. W h e r e a m I ?
I couldn't really see, it was so blurry I might not be even opening my eyes, but the person at my side reacted to it, and it made me want to do it again.
"Y/n—-he—-y—" I s t h i s r e a l ?
I tried opening my eyes again, to see if I would get the same reaction. I did. A m I   a l i v e ?
I still couldn't see, and I felt unbelievably disoriented, but the person talking to me reacting to what I was doing was grounding me. I m    s o   s l e e p y...

My eyes felt heavy, but I could open them. I still couldn't see anything though. I didn't know how much time had passed. I felt someone squeezing my hand. I tried opening my eyes even more, as if that would somehow make my vision less didn't.
"Y/n..." a very muffled voice said.
"Mmmhh" I struggled to get out. I can't seem to say anything either.
"Hey..." the voice said again, and I felt a hand on my head. "Beidou!" The voice said again. Beidou.... I know that name....
I tried to look around but I still couldn't see. It was starting to get frustrating..and scary.
"M-mmhmma" I tried again. My throat feels so dry... I lay there feeling completely vulnerable and scared. Like a newborn kitten who's ears and eyes havent yet opened.
"" I kept trying. It wasn't working. I felt hot tears flowing out of my eyes and onto my cheeks. I'm..crying..
"Y/n.." I heard a different voice say.. but the voice wasn't as muffled as before. I tried to respond.
"Hhhmmmm...." I felt myself start to cry more. Why am I crying..? What's happening to me...?? I felt someone move something warm on my stomach. I felt scared. Really scared.
"Y/'re ok..." the first voice said, it's clearer now too. It's...familiar...and male. I didn't try to respond this time. The hand that was on my head started to stoke my face.
My first instinct was to try to move from it, but it felt somewhat...comforting..
I found myself leaning into it crying harder.
"He...lpppp...." I managed to get out. The person stroking me stopped and I felt a warm pressure around me. I opened my eyes and I could make out a person. I think...this my favorite person...
"Ka..zu..." I struggled. The person holding me gasped. Kazu...? Why did I say.. and suddenly my memories came flooding back to me. I burst into tears.
"Kazuhaaaa!" I cried out. That's right. This is favorite person. I tried to put my arms around him to hug him back but i couldn't find the strength. I could only cry. I felt like a baby, not being able to see or hear correctly, just cry out.
"Y/n..." Kazuha said, his voice breaking. His hand was stroking my head. Why is he crying..? I tried again to raise my hand to comfort him..but I couldn't. The other person at my side grabbed my hand.
"Hey y/n..." she said. You're going to be ok. I still couldn't make out who it was..but they were familiar too. Kept trying to move and to open my eyes clearly but it was taking so much strength, and I fell asleep againcrying in Kazuhas arms.

Whisper from the heart -Kazuha x reader-Where stories live. Discover now