I would like that

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A awoke to Kazuha violently shaking. I shot up in surprise and looked at him. Kazuha was.. having a seizure!?!? I jumped up.
"Beidou!! Traveler!!" I screamed. "Help!!!" He was shaking so violently. What do I do!?! Is he going to choke I heard that people having a seizure can choke but.. Suddenly he stopped shaking and fell still. He..wasn't breathing!! I felt his pulse and my heart dropped. There's no pulse why is there no pulse?!! "Kazuha!! No no no! Wake up!" I screamed. I got on top of him and started CPR. My heart racing. Tears flowing from my eyes. My vision getting cloudy as I pushed against his chest with all my might. I heard the door burst open.
"Y/n! Y/n what is it I heard you scream!?" Someone asked. I couldn't make out who it was. My eyes where blurred from the tears and everything was muffled. I couldn't think clearly. I just kept pressing on his chest. Lighting! I thought. I could jump start his heart! Immediately I charged up as much energy I could into my hands and put my hands on his chest. I did it again and again and again.
"Y/n!!" I shot out of bed, shaking and breathing frantically. "Y/n! What's wrong what happened!?" I looked to my right and it was Kazuha, worry all over his face, clutching my arm. I burst into tears.

"Hey..it's alright, I'm here. Everythings alright y/n." He said. He put his arm around my shoulders. "It was a nightmare. You were crying out and your vision started sparking." I continued sobbing."Was it..about what happened today? About me?" He asked. I nodded, tears rolling down my cheek. I cry so often..how pathetic.
"Hey.." He said wiping the tears from my face. "Look at me." I complied. He grabbed my hand and put it on his chest, holding it tight. "Feel that? My heart is beating. I'm ok, I'm here. Here with you." He kept eye contact with me. His gaze was so reassuring, so full of warmth. I put my arms around him, pulling him in.
"I love you!" I cried out. "So much.." He put both his hands on either side of my face and put his forehead on mine.
"And I you." He said, rubbing his thumb on my cheek softly. "Are you feeling better now?" I nodded and gave a small smile. "Good" he said. He held my face a minute longer. "What do you say we get some more sleep hm?"
"Ok.." I whispered and sniffled. We layed back in bed. I could hear the pattering of rain drops hitting the roof of the hull. "It's raining" I said. Kazuha let out a light laugh.
"I used to love the rain when I was small." He said thoughtfully. "The sound of it would lull me to sleep." We listened to the rain a while longer. It was nice..cozy.
Then a question arose in my head. An embarrassing one. No not embarrassing..more like-
"What is it?" Kazuha asked, interrupting my thoughts.
"Hm?" I asked.
"Youre thinking something. I can tell in your breathing, and your hearts beating harder than before." He said. I chuckled. Of course he can tell.
"Do you think..we could do this every night...?" I asked quietly. I braced for him to reject my request, or even laugh at me. But he just hugged me tightly and pulled me in closer.
"I would like that." He said.

Whisper from the heart -Kazuha x reader-Where stories live. Discover now