So kind

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"Hey..Y/n..?". I awoke to someone shaking my shoulder gently. I opened my eyes to see a concerned Kazuha. He sighed in relief. There was a woman at the door. Tall with long brown hair and something over her eye, a bandana maybe? She's very pretty, I thought.
"Hey there!" She exclaimed. "I'm Captain Beidou, I run this fine ship! You can just call me Beidou!"
"Oh, um..hi. My name is Y/n. Thank you for helping me." I felt compelled to stand in her presence but felt a shock of pain.
"Hey!" Kazuha and Beidou exclaim in unison. Kazuha put his hand on my shoulder as I lower back down, wincing.
"You're still very hurt, don't go moving around suddenly." Beidou says as she walks over and kneels next to me, across from Kazuha.
"Will you allow us to examine your wound?" Kazuha questioned. I nodded and Beidou opened the side of the kimono I was wearing opposite of Kazuha to give a bit of privacy. She slowly peeled off the bandage to reveal a massive gash in my side. My breathing started to get heavier as I stared at the open wound. I grasped the futon I was laying on and tears started forming in my eyes, my breathing getting quicker.
"You're in shock, that's to be expected." Kazuha said as he put his hand on mine. "Slow your breathing. Look at me."
I looked at him through blurry, tear filled eyes. He started breathing slower and I copied. He's quite...pretty. His white hair and his soft but deep red eyes. He seems about my age too. After a few minutes I had calmed down. Kazuha softly smiled.
"There." He said, and looked at Beidou. "Well?" He looked concerned again. I felt touched he was worried about someone he doesn't know.
"She'll be ok. No infection that I can see. Y/n, keep resting and drink plenty of water. I will be back to change your bandages later tonight." She stood up and looked at Kazuha. "She should probably eat something."
"Right." He said standing up as well. "I'll be right back y/n."
"Ok" I said softly. They both left the room and I was left alone.
I slowly stood up and walked to the door to see a beautiful sparkling ocean. The soft sea breeze moving my hair around. I took a deep breath and started to get lost in thought. Kazuha..he's very kind. What's he doing on a boat..doesn't seem like the type to be with rowdy pirates, not that Beidou seems super crazy either, but I can tell she's strong.
"Y/n!" Slightly startled I looked over to see Kazuha carrying a tray of food. "What are you doing? You need to rest!" Concern flooding his voice.
"Oh um. I just needed to stretch my legs I'm sorry." I felt a little guilty making him take care of me.
He walked into the room to set the tray down and came back out. He then took my arm, slowly walking me back to the bed.
"Please be careful." He said. Once I was sat down he grabbed the food tray and brought it to me.
"Thank you..for caring for me. It means a lot." Kazuha just smiled. He was so calm.
"Here", he said as he put the tray on my lap. "You were asleep for a few days and you haven't eaten." It looked delicious, and I realized just how hungry I was. I grabbed the chopsticks and before I could start eating he clears his throat. I looked at him.
"Eat slowly.." he said. I chuckled.
"I will" I said.

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