Not out of the woods yet

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"Mmmmm.." I groaned. Why do I feel so crappy? I opened my eyes, and for some reason was relieved to see clearly. Why wouldn't I see clearly..? I thought to myself.
"Hey...." A voice came from beside me. I turned my head to the side and there was Kazuha, smiling so brightly.
"Hhheyy.." I said slowly. voice.. I swallowed hard.
"What.. hhhhappenedd...." I tried to say. I looked at Kazuha. A million different things were in his expression.
"What do you remember...?" He asked me. I thought about it for a second.
"..we whhhere at that islanddd..." I started to say but my voice would just not come out clearly. I tried to clear my throat but in using my stomach muscles slightly to do so I felt a searing pain.
"AGGHHH!!" I cried out. Kazuha sat straight up alarmed, worry took over his expression and he grabbed my hand. Suddenly Beidou and Yaxine both came rushing in.
"Y/n!!" Beidou exclaimed.
"Bei-dou.." I said through grit teeth. The pain was excruciating. More so than when I was stabbed.
"Hold still." Beidou said, and she lifted up a thick bandage. She looked at Yaxine, who hurried out of the room. I looked at Beidou terrified.
"With a wound like this, you're at high risk for infections y/n." She said. I felt Kazuhas grip on my hand tighten.
"Wound..wh-what..wound...?" I asked. Did my old one re-open again? Beidou shot Kazuha a concerned look. I turned to look at him as well. "Kazu-"
I stopped. He was looking at me with so much guilt. This only made me more confused.
"I took you too that island..and we were heading back.." Kazuhas voice got caught on his words. He looked down ashamed. I turned to look at Beidou, holding for some sort of explanation.
"The vision hunt decree found you both." She said quietly. Suddenly it clicked.
"That woman with the bow!" I said. "We were surrounded and..she was going to shoot you..." Kazuha shuddered.
"You..took that arrow for me..?!" He said, his eyes wild.
"Well yeah she was going to shoot y-" before I could finish Kazuha grabbed my face with his hands.
"Y/n!" He yelled. Is he..upset with me...? I don't like this expression on him at all... "Dont you EVER" He started but instead of yelling.. he started crying?
"K..kazuha....?" I asked. He put his hand over his mouth and hung his head, continuing to cry.
"You died y/n..." he said through tears. "I watched you die!! I couldn't sense your heart.." He cried out. "It thought I lost you!" I was too stunned to talk. Beidou stood up.
"I'll go get you some water." She said as she walked out of the room.

I watched, helpless, as the usually quiet and calm Kazuha sobbed like a child at my bed side. I had not idea what to do or say. What does he mean I died? I was struggling to process it all. All I could do was hold his hand. I couldn't even sit up. I just sat there as the boy I loved cried.
As he started to regain his composure I tried speaking.
"Kazuha.." I said as gently as I could. "Remember what you told me..when our roles were reversed not too long ago..?" Kazuha sniffled and looked up, his eyes blood shot. He didn't say anything. I just looked at him, with so much love for him in my heart.
"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you." I said smiling. He forced a smile..and then frowned again.
"But.." he started. You silly.. I thought.
"Hey." I interrupted. "I'm here. And I'm ok." I said that...but to be honest, I was scared. I had just woken up with a new wound even worse than before. But I wanted to comfort Kazuha like he had many times for me. Kazuha wiped his eyes and looked at me.
"Right." He said, and smiled, for real this time.
"There.." I said. "That's my favorite face." Saying that only made his smile bigger. I laughed a little but instantly winced. His smile vanished and it was quickly replaced with worry. With perfect timing Beidou re-appeared. I looked at her, trying not to show how much pain I was in.
"Y/n, we're almost to Liyue. There's a doctor there who can help you." She said as she set a glass of water on the bedside table next to Kazuha. He took it and gulped it down furiously. Watching that only made me want water too. As if he read my mind he looked at me and bent over. Confused what he was doing at first, but he then brought his lips to mine and I felt a flow of water enter my mouth. He's giving me water..from his mouth!? My confusion and shock were quickly washed away by the sudden relief I felt from finally getting some much needed liquids. He lifted his face up from mine and looked at me.
"You need it." Was all he said before he took another drink and bent over again, giving me more. I caught a glimpse of Beidou and her expression was pure shock...and a little pride too..
"Right uh..I'll go get more..." she said and left the room. That's the quietest I've ever heard her I laughed to my self.

When both Kazuha and I had had enough water he looked at me.
"I love much.." He said quietly and then put his head on my chest. "Don't ever do that to me again." He said, pain still in his voice.
"Yeah don't worry, I don't plan on getting shot with another arrow ever again." I joked, trying to lighten the mood. Kazuha chuckled lightly and turned his head to look at me. We stared at each other for a few moments, just happy to be alive.

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