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Almost a week had passed and Kazuha hadn't left my side once, he ate and slept where I did. Yesterday I begged him to go take a walk or something but he refused.
"I'm right where I need to be." He kept saying. I felt bad making him stay cooped up with me but to be honest I was extremely grateful. Beidou came in about five times a day to check on me. I guess infection is a serious thing. I would feel comforted that she was doing so, but she admitted she had no idea how to help if it were to happen..which was.. less comforting.
"How much longer until we get to Liyue?" I asked him. He paused for a moment, closing his eyes.
"About half a day" he answered. How he knows that without looking out to see where we are is beyond me, but he can talk to the wind I guess.
I sat there and stared at the ceiling. I let out a groan.
"What is it?" Kazuha asked.
"I feel like I just healed from my first stupid wound and now I'm back here, with another one. Making you and Beidou take care of me again. I can't even sit up!" I said in frustration. A tear formed in my eye but I blinked it away. I didn't want to make Kazuha feel more guilty than he does..then again I probably shouldn't have brought it up in the first place. Kazuha took my hand and kissed it.
"I know." He said. "What can I do?"
"You being here with me is all I need." I said. "Unless you have healing powers I don't know about?" I added jokingly.
"If I did don't you think I would have used them the second I met you?" Kazuha laughed.
"Good point." I said, laughing. Bad move. My wound flared up with pain and I grimaced. Damnit
Kazuha got up from the chair he had been practically living in for the past few days and very gently slipped into bed with me, freezing a few times to ensure he wasn't causing me pain. My head was now laying against his chest, his arms around me and holding both my hands.
I would have asked him to do this way earlier and not sleep in a chair, but to be honest I was scared of moving at all. But now that he was holding me I felt like it wasn't so bad.

"Hey, wen you fought Kujou Sara, I saw lightning..but it wasn't from me." I questioned.
"Ah" Kazuha said. "You're right. For a brief moment, I found that Tomos vision was lit up. This allowed me to defeat Kujou Sara. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to save in a way, Tomo was the one who saved you." I took a moment to process what he told me.
"So..your theory about a vision being re-kindled was right!" I said.
"Yes, I suppose it was." He said thoughtfully.
"Hey Kazuha, thank you for saving me..again. I don't know what I would do without you." I said. Kazuha squeezed my hand and kissed the top of my head.
"Nor I you."

I woke up in a cold sweat, shaking.
"Y/n." Kazuha said, "Can you hear me?" I nodded, my head was pounding. I felt weak and I was having trouble breathing.
"Kazuha.." I said shakily.
"Im here." He said. He was trying to hide it but I could hear panic in his voice. He grabbed my hand and held it. He was sitting up in bed, but with me laying flat on my back there wasn't much room for him. He then lifted my head, sitting me up ever so slightly. He shimmied behind me and held my head in his lap, his back against the head rest of the bed.
"Don't leave me." I said.
"Im staying here." He promised. "HELP!!" He then yelled, which startled me. "Sorry" he said and he put his hand on my head. "I need to get someone."
"Ok.." I said weakly. "Am I going to die?"
"No!" He said immediately. He squeezed my hand and then repeated himself under his breath. He's scared..  A crewmate rushed in.
"Kazuha?" He said.
"Go get Beidou!" He yelled, his voice breaking.
"Man who knew you were such a cry baby" I teased, getting slightly delirious.
"For you I am many things." He replied.

A few seconds later Beidou came rushing in.
"What is it what's wrong?" She asked.
"I don't know but she's not acting right." Kazuha said, panicked, no longer trying to hide it from me. Beidou rushed to my side and lifted the bandage and gasped.
"There's puss." She said quickly and put her hand to my forehead. "She has a fever. How's her pulse?" She asked Kazuha.
"It's fast and choppy." He replied. I could hear stress in both their voices.
"We're almost to port. Baizhu is waiting for us there." Beidou tells him. She then looks at me and forced a smile. "You're going to be ok y/n." She says.
"Liar" I reply, feeling out of it. Kazuha takes a sharp breath.

As the hour passes my condition worsens. I started vomiting and my fever went up. I really did feel like I was dying. Soon after, someone came in.
"We're here." They said. I couldn't tell who it was. Beidou left the room. A few minutes later a tall man with green hair came in to the room. Kazuhas tension seemed to slightly release upon seeing him.
"Baizhu" he said.
"Hello Kazuha." The man replied. "You must be y/n" he said as he came over to my side.
"Mhm" I replied, not feeling like I could say anything more than that.
"I'm just going to look under your bandage is that ok?" He asked in a very "doctorly" tone.
"Mhm" I repeated, breathing heavily. He lifts up the the bandage immediately a sense of great urgency comes across him.
"She has sepsis. We need to act now." He said.
"Sepsis?" I asked.
"Infection." Beidou responds. Kazuhas tenses up.
Upon hearing those words my vision starts to get spotty and I start to breathe even heavier.
"Y/n!" Kazuha said noticing. He puts his hand on my abruptly, startling me, but not enough.
I look up and I swear I see a bright white snake looking right at me. I must be losing it...
"Snake..." is the last thing I say before passing out.

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