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⚠️this chapter will be NSFW⚠️
Also! The picture above is something I drew!

Kazuha and I were laying there in pure bliss. At that moment I knew I was where I was meant to be. With him. He was my home.
The more I was thinking about it, the more I wanted him. I wanted him to be mine. As we lay there holding each other I found my hand clenching his clothes. Something from deep, deep inside of me was burning, longing. It's a feeling I wasn't familiar with, and I wasnt sure what to do about it. My heart felt like it was aching for something I already had, but not completely. I want more.

Kazuha sat up, but was still holding me. He looked me in the eyes, and there was an expression on his face...I couldn't read it. He grabbed my hand and held it against his chest. My heart started pounding. This look he's giving me...
"Y/n..." Kazuha whispered. Hearing him say my name made my heart flutter, even though I've heard him say it so many times before.
"K-kazuha.." I stumbled, feeling confused and flustered. His energy is..different, but not bad.
"Say my name again." He whispered. Now my heart was pounding.
"..Kazuha..?" I managed to get out. My face was red, I could feel it. Kazuha put his hand behind my head and brought his lips up to mine.
"Again.." He said. I could feel his breath on my lips.
"Kazuha" I whispered. He brought his lips to mine kissed them. It felt different this time. It felt like the world fell still and all that existed was me and him. My hand found it's way to his face. We started kissing like the were drowning and the other was oxygen. Like we needed each others touch to survive. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest and into his. It wanted to.
He put his hands around me and my body arched, giving in to his touch. I felt like putty in his hands as he pulled me in close. My fingers went into his hair, gliding through it. He broke the kiss and he was breathing oddly heavily, considering it was him.
"I want you." He whispered in my ear. It felt like my body had just been plunged into cold water, shocking every sense. I pulled his face close to mine, touching my nose to his cheek.
"You have me" I said. He exhaled hard. He then put the tips of my fingers underneath my shirt and I gasped.
"I want nothing between us." He whispered. "Is that alright with you?" I nodded but looked down, nervous. He lowered his head until his eyes met mine, and he gazed into my soul wearing a slightly concerned expression. He wants me to say it.
"I want nothing but us." I said confidently, keeping eye contact. Staring into those deep, beautiful, scarlet eyes. A look of only what I can describe is pure delight spread across his face and he moved in and put his lips on mine more passionately than ever before.

He found my hand on his head and moved it with his as he took out his pony tail, letting his hair fall onto his shoulders. His hands were under my shirt and they were warm. Feeling his fingers graze my back I yearned for the same. As one hand remained on the back of his head I brought the other over onto his shoulder, and slipped his clothing off of it slowly. As he kept his lips on mine his hands left my waist and ripped off the scarf around his neck. He then found my hand that was slightly under his clothes and brought it completely under and behind his back, and then squeezed it. I gripped the skin on his back. His hand left mine and returned to under my clothes. I want him..I want this. The thought wouldn't leave my head.
I brought my hands back to me and he caught my wrists in protest.
"Just.." I started to explain, and swiftly took of my shirt.
"Oh.." he said and I felt him smile against my mouth. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to his body, our bare skin touching. A wash of heat spread over my face, my mind racing but still calm.
Kazuha moved his body ontop of mine, still keeping his lips pressed into my own. He was so aggressive but at the same time so gentle. One hand was behind my head, holding it and keeping it up. The other left my waist and made its way up my mid section. His fingers lightly traced my stomach and slowly..started moving down. My heart started pounding. He stopped, interupting our rhythm.
"It's ok." I reassured. He sighed deeply and brought his hand underneath the clothes I still had on. My fingers gripped his skin as I whimper.
"You're perfect" Kazuha whispered. A wave of uncertainty washed over me. I don't know what I'm doing how can he say that? He brought his thumb to my chin and looked at me. His eyes were as sincere as they were gorgeous. "Trust me." He said.
Right, I thought. None of that matters. Not to him.
"I do." I said. "More than anything. I give my soul and my body to you." His eyes glimmered and he loosened the tie around his waist. Our eyes were locked as he let the entirety of what he was wearing fall lose to the ground.
"'s your turn." He said. I compiled and he now he had his wish, absolutely nothing was between us.

The moment that we were sharing was completely perfect. It was like our souls were intertwined..and so were we. Even though I didn't completely know what I was doing Kazuha guided me through every tiny detail with complete love and patience. It hurt, and I started to lose my breath. After a few moments of me not being able to catch my breath I started to panic a little. Kazuha noticed and paused.
"Hey woah're alright." He said softly. He started stabilizing his breathing, instructing me to do the same. "Look at me, y/n. You're doing great" he reassured. I was reminded of the time he calmed my breathing when I saw my wound for the first he calmed me down. In that moment it was like he unlocked something in me and I completely gave in. Every sense we felt was in tandem, every breath, every heart beat. We got lost in each other.

What felt like an eternity passed but at the same time, only mere minutes. I started feeling exhausted, but I didn't want to stop. I never wanted it to end, but I could feel myself getting slower. Kazuha then stopped and embraced me, both of us panting, both of our hearts beating ferociously for each other.
'Y/n..." he said.
"No.." I started, but he cut me off.
"It's alright." He said. "I promise." I felt my lip quiver in disappointment. He held onto me as we both lay back down, bare skin touching. My heart rate started to settle as I calmed down a bit. I let myself relax fully into Kazuhas warm body. I've never felt more secure anywhere else in my life. I started shaking. Whether it was from us slowing down or the gentle breeze, I wasn't sure. Regardless it surprised me.
"Sorry..." I whispered.
"Don't be", Kazuha said and he grabbed his clothes and put them over us like a blanket. My back was pressed against his warm chest and his arms were around my waist. He was holding me tightly against him, his thumb rubbing my arm. A wave of exhaustion washed over me against my will.
"Kazuha..." I whispered softly.
"Yes.. y/n?" he replied equally as quiet.
"Thank you..for..every...thing..." I trailed off. Kazuha lightly laughed as he pulled me in closer and said something..but I was already half asleep.

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