So precious

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I found myself getting slight cabin fever being stuck on the boat. Being with Kazuha definitely helped and training with Beidou kept my restlessness at bay, but I still found myself getting bored. I think Kazuha noticed because one day he suggested we go out.
"But, aren't we supposed to stay put?" I asked.
"You needn't worry. I know a place where no human roams." Kazuha said. "You will like it."
"Ok!" I said, excited to be doing something new. "Where is it?" He just smiled.
"You'll see." He said as he took my hand and we set out.

Kazuha and I arrived at an island. As we walked up the stone steps an old Sakura tree came into view. At the trees base was a shrine, it seemed a little run down. I felt something soft brush against my leg. I looked down. To my surprise a grey cat with big green eyes was staring back at me.
"Meow?" The cat was weaving between my legs. I was elated.
"A kitty!" I exclaimed. "Kazuha look!" I said tugging at his sleeve.
"Haha, yeah." He laughed. I picked up the cat and it started purring. "Come on" He beckoned. We made our way to the top of the steps and to my surprise there were cats all over the place!
"Wow!" I said. "There's so many of them!" Cats of all different colors dotted the scene around us. Some were laying leisurely in the sun, a few chasing some crystal flies. Another cat, an orange one this time, came up to us. I knelt down and it walked around me and sniffed my vision. It shocked the poor thing and it jumped back. Kazuha burst out laughing. Startled, I looked up at him.
"It's just like Tomo!" He said. I gave him a bewildered expression. "When Tomo showed me this place a cat came up to him and did just the same thing." He explained.
I looked at the cat and it was rubbing it's nose with its paw. I chuckled.
"So, this place is special to you then?" I asked.
"Yes." Kazuha said. I stood up.
"Well then, it's special to me too. Thanks for showing it to me!" I said. Kazuha smiled.
"Of course. You are special to me after all." He said.

"Kazuha? Is that you Kazuha?!" I jumped, someone's here?! I looked around but..I didn't see anyone. "It is you!" I looked down and a black cat was staring up at us. Was the cat talking to us?!?
"Neko!" Kazuha said and he knelt down. "I've missed you."
"Ah I expected to never see you again." The cat said. What is happening here?? I knelt down besides Kazuha.
"Um.." I started.
"Meow meow.. Who might this be?" The cat asked turning his gaze towards me.
"Neko, this is y/n." Kazuha said and smiled.
"Uh, hi" I said a little awkwardly. I'm talking to a cat..
"It's a pleasure" Neko said. "Welcome to Asase Shrine. I am the Provisional Head Priestess here." This is all very strange.
"Kazuha, I was saddened to hear about Tomo. I am truly sorry." the cat said and lowered her head. Kazuha didn't say anything, he just pat the cats head. I couldn't help but feel like I was intruding on a delicate moment between friends.
"Well" Neko said. "I am most delighted to see you Kazuha. Meow meow. I need to go back to my post, I trust you two will be comfortable here. Farewell." And with that the black cat ran off. Was that all real?
"Come" Kazuha said as he stood up and held out his hand. I took it and stood up as well. He then bent over and picked me up. I gasped a little, unprepared.
"Hold on." He said and he created a wind current around him, then jumped up to the roof of the shrine. He set me down and we both sat next to each other.

"It's a nice view." I said. Kazuha nodded. We sat and took in the scene around us. A white cat hopped up to join us. It sat down on Kazuhas lap and started purring. Lucky.
"You've been training with Beidou?" Kazuha asked.
"Oh, yeah!" I said. "I asked her to. I want to be stronger like the traveler." Kazuha thought for a moment.
"There's nothing wrong with wanting to get stronger," he said. "But y/n, you are strong in your own way. I've grown from my time with you."
"Yeah but I always need saving.." I started. Kazuha took my hand and looked at me.
"Y/n. You make me strong. Like the blade at my side, you lend me strength when I'm in need. You are not weak in my eyes." He put his arms around me and pulled me in closer. I buried my face in his neck. "Whatever life may throw our way, I know I will prevail as long as you are by my side. You are so precious to me."
"You always know what to say." I said.
"I just speak from the heart." He said. "And it whispers to you." I hugged him tightly. I never want to let him go. He leaned back and I put my head on his chest and we stared at the sky together. I reached over and pet the cat sleeping on Kazuhas lap. The sun was shining on us, and the breeze blew gently.

Whisper from the heart -Kazuha x reader-Where stories live. Discover now