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I opened my eyes slightly. The room felt very bright. I blinked a few times, getting my eyes to adjust. They felt murky, like I was looking under water. I noticed I had a splitting headache, and the bright light wasn't helping. I groaned.
"Y/n?". It was Kazuha. I turned my head and squinted so I could make make out his face.
"Hey.." I say softly. He put his hand on my face.
"Y/n.." he said again, his voice breaking. I reach out to touch his face.
"What's wrong?" I ask. Kazuha wipes his eyes.
"I thought I had lost you." He said. "You were comatose for days..Baizhu wasn't sure you would wake up." He sighs deeply and tears fall from his eyes. "I was so scared y/n. I don't know what I would've done if you.." he voice catches in his throat. I smile and try to wipe his tears away but they kept falling. I find my self getting teary too.
"You've always cared about me, even when you didn't know me well. Thank you Kazuha." I said.
"Of course, I love you y/n. With all my heart." He said. How lucky I am I thought.
"I love you too." I said, now crying too. I was so happy to be alive, and to have someone who was also happy I was alive too. Kazuha took both my hands and looked at me with a serious expression.
"Y/n. I wish to live the rest of my life with you. To wake up and fall asleep next to you everyday. To travel with you by my side. You are the one who my heart whispers to." He looks down, blushing. Before I could answer Beidou walks in.

"Hey!! Baizhu c'mere y/n is awake!!" She walks in beaming. She comes up behind Kazuha and puts her hand on his shoulder and looks down at him. "Told ya." She whispered. Kazuha smiled.
"Good morning y/n." Baizhu said as he walked in. This it the first time I saw him with my mind clear. He's quite handsome I thought. And then I saw it. A white snake just casually hanging out around his neck. So I wasn't delirious! My eyes widen in disbelief. As he walks closer I start move back slightly.
"Oh, my apologies." He says, and gestures to the snake. "This is Changsheng. I can leave her out there if you would prefer." I nod and laugh nervously. It's not that I dislike snakes...but I'd rather not have to think about it right now. Baizhu walked over to me, now snake free, and felt my fore head.
"Fevers gone. That's good. How are you feeling?" He asked me.
"Mm..I have a head ache..and I feel pretty sore." I said, shifting my weight a little.
"That's to be expected after being unconscious for a week." Baizhu nodded. Wow..a week.. Kazuha let out a deep breath. I felt guilty..
"As for the headache..." he says and he pulls out a tonic of sorts and gives it to me. I inspect it, turning it in my hand. "It's made of herbs that will lessen the pain for both your headache and your wound." I guzzled it down. It tasted very bitter and I made a face. Baizhu laughed.
"It's taste isn't particularly the best I admit, but you will find your pain will subside soon."
"Thank you." I said. "For everything."
"Of course! It was touch and go for a while, you're lucky you were already on your way here. If you hadn't gotten here when you did the infection would have taken your life." Baizhu said quietly. "But! You did, and you're recovering nicely." He said reassuringly. I smiled and looked at Kazuha. He relaxed a little and smiled back.
"Would you allow me to examine your wound?" Baizhu asked. I nodded and he lifted the gown type of thing I was wearing. Man, a lot of my clothes are ruined from my blood huh. As Baizhu examined me I looked away. I didn't want to embarrass my self by being in shock so I just looked at Kazuha and Beidou. I notice them both quickly wipe tears from their eyes.
"You guys.." I said, feeling touched. Beidou laughed lightly.
"We're just relieved you're ok y/n." She said. Kazuha nodded. I'm so lucky to have them.
"Well y/n, you're healing nicely. It's going to be a while since that arrow went pretty deep, so just rest." Baizhu said, standing up.
"Ok, thank you Baizhu." I said. He smiled warmly.
"It's my pleasure." He said. "Call if me if anything changes Kazuha."
"Of course." Kazuha said affirmatively. Baizhu left the room. Just as he did I realized how thirsty I was. How was I getting food and water while I was asleep??
I looked at Kazuha and, for the millionth time, it's like he read my mind.
"You're probably very hungry. I'll go get you something." He said as he stood up.
"Thank you" I said. Now it was just me and Beidou.

"He really loves you." She said, as she sat down where Kazuha was sitting. I smiled.
"I know." I said.
"He didn't leave your side once. He was so worried..I've never seen him like that. Kazuha is usually so calm, but when he brought you to me, I saw a different side of him. He was panicked." She said. "Your heart stopped you know. You werent breathing either. He had finally calmed down when we brought you back and I said I needed his help to stabilize you. He's usually very good under pressure." I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. I caused him so much grief.
"And then you passed out after the infection took hold.." She continued. " He was so frantic, Baizhu made him leave the room." Her frown grew. "This past week I was so fearful. Kazuha was completely broken when I found him. The death of his best friend darkened his mind, he barely spoke at all. I was scared that if you were to die..he wouldn't be able to recover." I felt my heart grow heavy. Beidou side heavily and put her hand on my head. "Let's just say I'm glad for both your sakes you're on the mend." I smiled. Beidou was always so kind to me, she felt kind of like a role model to me. Almost motherly.
"Thank you Beidou. I'm so grateful for you and everything you've done for me." I said. "I love you!" Beidou looked surprised, then let out a heartfelt laugh.
"Love ya too kiddo!" She said ruffling my hair.
"I'm back." Kazuha said as he walked in. My heart felt a little lighter upon seeing his smile. Beidou stood up and let Kazuha take his seat back.
"I'm gonna step out for a bit. Im so glad you're awake y/n." Beidou said.
"Yeah. Me too." I said.

The food that Kazuha brought looked delicious. I was starving. Kazuha set the tray of food down on the table next to my bad.
"Here, let me help you sit up." He said. I put my hands on either side of the bed for support and slowly raised myself. I grimaced, my wound feeling tender. "Slowly." He said with his hand on my back. I nodded, still wincing. Finally, I was sat up against the head board. He then started to feed me himself.
"Kazuha I can feed myself." I said.
"I know." He said. "But..I want to." I chuckled.
"Thank you." I said.

I had finished eating, feeling quite content with my belly full.
"Kazuha.. will you lay with me" I asked. He smiled.
"Of course." He said as he set the tray down. I slowly layed back down as Kazuha slipped under the cover with me. "I'm so glad to be holding you again." He said.
"Me too." I said. He squeezed me slightly tighter, but not too tight to the point that he hurt my injury. We sat in silence for a few minutes. "About what you said earlier..." I started. Kazuhas heart started beating faster. "I want that too. More than anything. You are my home." Kazuha laughed lightly.
"And you are mine." He said. "No matter where life may take us, we will walk the path together."

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