Kazuha's story

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We get to the dining hall and Beidou turns around. "So here's my idea. It's called The Crux Clash, it will be a martial arts tournament for folks to showcase their talents. Anyone can join from any where, as long as they are experienced fighters. It could be a way of uncovering some hidden talents! Also, they cannot have a vision. This event's purpose would be to see people's martial arts and swordsmanship skills. Having a vision..complicates things."
"Hm no vision...that gives me an idea." Kazuha says and he pulls out the masterless vision from his pocket. "I have been pondering something. Is it possible for a vision to be re-inherited by another?"
Beidou raises her hand to her chin. "Hm...since a vision is like a badge of recognition from the Gods, maybe an individual of exceptional strength or skill could rekindle it."
"My thoughts exactly Beidou." Kazuha says.
"Well then!" Beidou says and claps her hands together. "Kazuha, would you be willing to offer up this masterless vision as a prize to the victor of the competition? It would be a great way of getting people to sign up!"
Kazuha gazed down at the dull shell of a vision in his hand. "I have no need for it." He said "And I am indeed curious whether my theory is possible." His friends vision..it must be hard to let go of
Beidou let's out a hearty laugh "This is gonna be awesome! I'm gonna go work out getting the word out. See you two later!" And with that Beidou promptly left.
I looked at Kazuha and he seemed to be lost in thought. "Kazuha?" I asked putting my hand on his arm.
"Yes?" Kazuha said turning to me.
"Never mind" I said. "Do you want to go for a walk?"
He frowned slightly. "I would love to, but first I need to take care of a few things around the boat."
"Oh! Well..can I help you?" I asked.
"I would like that" He said as he smiled.

A few hours had passed and I helped Kazuha with an assortment of things on the ship. I still couldn't left heavy things due to my injury, but Kazuha assured me that he could handle it and that he enjoyed my company regardless. We finally finished and Kazuha let out deep breath and turned to me.
"Well, what do you say we go get some dinner."
I nodded happily and we started walking to the dining hall. When we got there I looked around and noticed that Beidou wasn't there.
"Will Beidou not be accompanying us tonight?" Kazuha asked a crewmate. He must've noticed she wasn't there too.
"Oh, no." A girl responded. "She went to talk to Lady Ningguang about the Crux Clash. Oh! Y/n right? My name is Yaxine." She smiled brightly.
"Hi Yaxine. It's nice to meet you." I said, as Kazuha and I took our seats.
As we all ate I got to know some of the other crew mates. They were all very friendly.
"So..Kazuha..when will y/n be moving into your room with you?" I choked on the soup I was eating. How cliché.
"What!?" I said.
I looked at Kazuha and his face was bright red. He noticed and turned away quickly. "Ahah, Yaxine likes to joke around." He said and shot her an unamused look.
Yaxine burst out laughing. "Oh come on! You two are pretty close these days!" She said.
Kazuha clears his throat. "Fine fine..I was only playing..although..." she said and shot me a mischievous look. Kazuha clears his throat louder this time. She laughs again and goes back to eating.
I let out an awkward laugh and do the same.

After everyone was done eating Kazuha walked with me to my room. I sat down on my futon and pat the spot next to me looking at Kazuha.
"You..wish for me to join you?" He asked. I nod. He comes and sits next to me.
"Can I ask you something?" I said.
"Of course." He said.
"What was your friend like?" I ask, somewhat cautiously, I was worried it was too personal.
"You must mean Tomo, the friend I lost to the Shogun." He said. I nod. "He was my travel companion, and my best friend. We would often travel together, and then go our separate ways. But we always found ourselves traveling together again." Kazuhas smile saddened. "One day I heard news that Tomo had challenged the almighty Shogun herself. I knew what this meant and so I hurried to the palace..but I was too late." He pulled his friends vision out of his pocket. "I took this and fled. And that's how I became a wanted man." We sat in silence for a few moments.
"How did you end up with Beidou?" I asked. He looked down, but instead of looking sad he seemed...ashamed?
"A few months on the run..my life started to feel heavy. My dear friend.." he let out a heavy sigh. I put my hand on his. He glanced at me and smiled lightly. "It was a low point in my life that..in my sorrow, I decided to end. I yearned to join my friend in the same fashion that he left this world...to an element. There were probably more effective ways but..I am a poet after all." I gasped in realization of what he meant by this. I felt my heart grow heavy.
"Beidou found me and got me out of the water. She helped me back to health..physically and mentally. I am eternally grateful to her. I owe her my life."
I didn't know what to say..I just sat there with a lump in my throat. My heart felt like it was going to burst and I threw my arms around Kazuha. "I'm so sorry" I said as my voice started to waiver. "I'm..." I couldn't finish my sentence as my voice caught on the lump in my throat and I started to cry.
"Y/n..." Kazuha said his voice breaking as well, and he put his arms around me. "Its alright. I am here now and that's what matters. And I'm grateful. If Beidou hadn't saved me I couldn't have saved you either, and we never would have met.." I continued to sob. I cried for what felt like hours and slowly..fell asleep in Kazuhas arms.

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