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A bell was ringing. Quiet and muffled at first. I started to wake up and I open my eyes. My eyes wander the room a little and I remember, I'm in Kazuhas room. We were laying on our sides facing the door, with his arms around me. His arm that was under my neck was stretched out. I looked at his hand and started softy tracing his fingers with mine. They were rough, but not uninviting. They were the kind of rough that made you feel safe, like they were strong enough to pull you from danger. My heart started to flutter. This feeling I have for him..does he really feel the same? I'm not very extraordinary, I was just lucky enough to meet him. The traveler is much more impressive than I am. Suddenly Kazuha tightened his arm around my stomach pulling me in closer.
"It's ok" he exhaled. I turned my head to the side.
"Hm?" I whispered. No response. He's still asleep. Could he tell I was thinking negatively? Even in his sleep? I chuckled softly. This boy.... I felt so warm and loved, laying there with him. Like nothing in the world could touch me. Hey..that bell is still ringing..wonder what it means...
"KAZUHAAAAA!!" Beidou burst the door open and yelled. I let out a yelp, and Kazuha bolted straight up. Beidous eyes widened upon seeing me..in Kazuhas bed.
She then burst out laughing. "Kazuha! You did it! Hahaaa! Ahh Yaxine owes me 200 mora!" She leaves the door way as quick as she entered. I look at Kazuha surprised and he starts to laugh. I slap his arm with the back side of my hand and smile. We laugh a moment longer and then he sighs and looks at me. Those eyes..
"Good morning y/n." He says, which gives me butterflies.
"Morning Kazuha." I said. He pulled me in for a hug and we sat there for a second. And then a thought comes across my mind, and leaves as quickly as it came, Home. He releases the hug and brings my head to his face, kissing me on the forehead. I smile and look at him, holding his hand against my cheek. I'm so happy right now.. I had kind of given up hope someone would ever care for me.
"Does that bell mean it's time to get up?" I ask.
"Yes." He responds. "But just I minute more.."
After a few moments pass, we both get up and head out the door. I then bump into Kazuha and a weird noise escapes my mouth. I look up and he's stopped at the doorway, an exasperated look on his face. He then grabs my hand and leads me out of the room.
"Kazu..ha..." I start to ask him but I soon see why he stopped. Almost every single crew-mate was looking at us. Ohhhhhh how embarassinggggg I groan to my self. Kazuha tightened his grip on my hand.
"Don't mind them." He said laughing slightly.
"Yeah ok." I said grumbling a little.

We make our way to the dining hall for breakfast. I felt like a fish in a fish bowl. I instinctively started to shrink behind Kazuha feeling increasingly embarrassed and judged. He noticed and turned around. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me.
"Hey" He said. "We're all tight knit here on the Alcor. Everyone can be nosy around here. They're all good people as well as my friends. I promise there is nothing to be embarrassed about. They just enjoy poking fun at me." He moved his hands to my arm and rubs them a little. "Ok?" He asks. I nod and force a smile. Although I still feel like I'm being eyed down, he has an uncanny way of reassuring me. Kazuha smiled.
"Good." He said. "Now let's get breakfast."

The meal was good as always, and after some time sitting down with everyone I realized that Kazuha was right when he said that everyone was just poking fun. If anything they all seemed happy we were together. It felt like a load off of my shoulders. The atmosphere on the Alcor was friendly and warm. Everyone was hard working and their teamwork was very impressive. They all had a bond from working and living together for years, like a family. I actually started to feel like I was a part of it. I actually stepped out of my comfort zone and asked Beidou to train me.
"You want me to train you??" She asked, surprised. I nod.
"You're strong and you have an electro vision like me..I'm tired of having to rely on Kazuha or others to protect me. I want to be strong too!" I exclaimed. Beidou laughed and patted me on the back. I staggered a little. Yep..she's strong.
"Well then y/n! I'd be happy to train ya!" She said. "After all, how could I let a comrade down." I smiled brightly.

About two days passed before we finally arrived in Inazuma. Im back.. I thought. My hands clenched the railing as I looked out at Ritou. I watched Beidou escort Traveler and Paimon off the boat and a blond young man wearing a red jacket greeted them.
"Feeling alright?" Kazuha asked as he came to join me.
"It's weird.." I said. "This was my home. Now I can't return." I absentmindedly brought my hand to my side where I was stabbed.
"I understand more than most." He said and he put his hand on mine. Right, I almost forgot.
"It's alright. I've always been a wandering samurai. If I hadn't left Inazuma for the reasons I did I would have still left. I never stay in a single place for too long. While I am still able to I want to travel far and wide." I sense of dread started to rise in my chest. If he were to travel to different places...would he still want me by his side? I watched as Beidou bid farewell to the Traveler and the young man accompanying them and boarded the ship. She came up to us.
"We're gonna stay docked here for a few days. I figure I could be a good opportunity while we're here to stock up on some things that you can't get in Liyue. Kazuha, I don't have to tell you to stay put, but y/n, I think it's best if you stayed on the boat too, for your safety." I nodded. Not like I had anyone to return to in Inazuma anyways.

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