He doesnt seem to mind...

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With my arm around Kazuhas for support we strolled about Beidous ship. It was very impressive but still modest. Everyone seemed to know Kazuha as we passed crew mates saying hello to him.
"The breeze feels nice." I said as I closed my eyes, feeling it rustle through my probably unkempt hair. I haven't brushed it since I've been here.
"I agree." Kazuha said. He looked at me. "You feeling alright?" He asked as he slightly tightened his grip on my arm that was holding his, which made my heart jump a little.
"Mhm" I nodded. So kind..
As we kept walking at a steady pace, I noticed Beidou talking to a crewmate. She noticed us too.
"Kazuha, y/n!" She exclaimed and walked over to us.
"Hi Beidou!" I said.
"Feeling well enough for a walk?" She asked. I nodded.
"I thought it would be a good way to build up her strength again. Slowly of course." Kazuha said.
"Haha good idea! Would you care to join us all for lunch y/n?" Said Beidou.
"Of course!" I say and almost as if on queue my stomach growls loudly. Beidou looks surprised and then laughs a hardy laugh. "Well then, let's get going."

We approach a table loaded with food. It all looks amazing. Some food from Inazuma and some that doesn't seem as familiar..maybe from Liyue?
Kazuha helps me sit down and then sits down next to me. We start eating and everyone seems very friendly. Suddenly Beidou stands up.
"Everyone, I would like to introduce y/n. She is going to be staying here for the foreseeable future as she heals. Please make her feel welcome!" Everyone cheers.

About an hour passes and everyone starts to tidy up and get back to work. Kazuha looks at me.
"Care to resume our walk?" I nod and he helps me up, taking hold of my arm once again, and we carry on our stroll. Kazuha shows me different areas of the boat. I enjoy his company. He has a way of talking that puts me at ease, and he seems to genuinely care for me. It's nice.
After a while I start to feel tired. "Kazuha." I say.
"I know." He says.
"Y-you know??" I say in surprise.
"Yes. I can feel it in your pacing. Don't worry, we can get you back to your room now." He put his arm around my shoulder to reassure me.
I look down, feeling a little discouraged. "I feel like all I've been doing is sleeping. Sorry about that."
"You mustn't worry about that. Rest is very important especially for someone in your condition"
I softly chuckle. "You're right. Thanks"
"Of course".
"Actually..can we just sit here?"
"Everything alright?" Kazuha questioned.
"Yeah I just don't feel like being in a room just yet."
"Ah, I see. Of course, I know just the place where you can sit and see all of the ocean.

We approached the spot Kazuha mentioned and sat down.
"Wow.." I exhaled. The sun hit the water making it sparkle. Some clouds were forming in the distance and I could make out birds flying around the waters surface a couple hundred feet away.
"Beautiful isn't it" Kazuha said. I looked at him and his eyes wandered as he looked at the horizon.
"Yeah..." I said as put my head on his shoulder. This must have surprised him because he tensed up a little, but then relaxed and chuckled softly, then he grabbed my hand bringing it to his lap. I felt my face get hot. I only needed to rest my head..he doesn't seem to mind though...

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