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-Kazuhas POV-

Beidou, Yaxine, and I were finally able to get y/n stable. Even though I knew she was stable..my heart felt like it was breaking. I can't loser her..I cant.. was the only thought I was able to create, which was quite unlike me. I sat there at y/n's bedside for what felt like days, but I knew it wasn't because Beidou would have told me to eat, not that I think that I could. All I want is for y/n to wake up. Please please.. wake up...

Finally, after hours, y/n finally shows signs of consciousness. Her eyes opened ever so slightly. I wouldn't have noticed if my eyes weren't glued to her the entire time, searching for movement.
"Y/n!" I said. Her eyes only fluttered for a second, but they definitely moved. I know they did. I tightened my grip on her hand. And there! They moved again! My heart felt like it could soar. The darkness that had been gripping at my throat had vanished. She's alive.

After about an hour, y/n only had opened her eyes slightly twice. I didn't give up though, I stayed glued by her. Beidou came in a little earlier to try to get me to eat or drink something but I refused.
"This is where I need to be." Was all I said. I was muddy and covered in y/n's blood but i could not have cared less. Suddenly, y/n's eyes opened, and even wider than they had before.
"Y/n!" I said. It looks like she can't see... I put my hand on her head.
"Mmmmm" she murmured. I exhaled in relief.
"Hey..." I said quietly.
"Mmhhh" she tried again. She's responding to me..or trying to
"Beidou!" I yell out. Y/n's breathing started to get heavier. She tried to speak another time, but still couldn't. She's scared..
"Y/n you're ok.." I tried to comfort her, unsure of how much it was helping.
"He..lpppp" she said. A word! Beidou came in and noticed y/n was somewhat awake. She went to the other side of the bed and lifted the rags covering her wound. I looked at y/n and.. she's crying!? No..don't cry...
I bent over and as lightly as I could tried to embrace her, hoping console her however I could without hurting her.
"Ka...zu..." my heart lept. My name! Suddenly she burst into tears.
"Kazuhaaaaaaaa!" She wailed. Yes! It's me I'm here!!
"Y/n!" I said and couldn't help but get choked up. She's ok..and she's awake. Y/n sobbed for a few more minutes and she slowly stopped. I panicked upon hearing her fall silent and looked at her, studying her face.
"She fell asleep..." Beidou said quietly. I let out a sigh. Beidou reached out and put her hand on my shoulder.
"Kazuha. Why were you out there in the first place?" She questioned. My heart felt heavy again.
"She..was growing bored..and I wanted to take her someplace special to me..." I said quietly. It's my fault...I thought I could protect her but..I never imagined Kujou S- before I could finished my train of thought Beidou stopped me.
"I can tell you don't need lecturing from me. Just..." she stopped and sighed. "Just watch her ok?" I nodded. Where else would I be?

Whisper from the heart -Kazuha x reader-Where stories live. Discover now