A storm's ahead

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The Traveler's one of the most interesting people I've met! They've been to both Monstadt and Liyue and have become a hero of sorts in both regions! No wonder they entered the Cruz Clash and won. Kazuha, Traveler, Paimon, and I were all enjoying dinner.  The Traveler and Paimon told us tales of their adventures and different people they've come across.
"The adepti!?" I said in awe.
"Yep! The Traveler is pretty much loved by everyone, and gained trust with the adepti when we fought the Osial in Liyue!" Paimon exclaimed.
"I had heard about that" Kazuha said. "Quite impressive." Traveler blushed. I felt a pang of..jealousy? Come on, theyre a hero and pretty powerful, what's not to be jealous of?
"Kazuha." Beidou appeared at the doorway.
"Yes?" Kazuha asked. Beidou motioned for him to come. "Excuse me." Kazuha said as he got up to join her. He and Beidou were talking and they didn't seem to be happy. After a few minutes Kazuha came back to join us.
"Everything ok?" I asked.
"There's a large storm heading our way. But worry not, this ship has seen many a storm, and it will see many more after this one."
"Yikes! Paimon knew there were going to be storms around Inazuma but hoped we would some how avoid them!" She exclaimed. The Traveler laughed.
"Ever the optimist Paimon." They said. We finished eating and already a storm was billowing around us.
"Those clouds look dark." I said.
"Yes. Nothing I won't be able handle however." Kazuha said reassuringly.
"Handle?" Paimon asked.
"Yes, because I hold an anemo vision I can stablize the boat against the harsh winds." Said Kazuha. "We have an understanding, the wind and I"
"Wow! Beidou must be grateful!" Paimon said. Kazuha laughed. Beidou came over to us.
"Traveler, y/n. You should go to y/n's room to wait out the storm. It might get bad out here." She said.
"Oh, ok." I said. Kazuha, Traveler, Paimon, and I all headed to my room.
"Y/n, please stay here until the storm is over. You're still healing remember? Something could happen and you could re-open the wound. Please..stay here?" Kazuha asked me. He's genuinely concerned
"Ok, I will." I promised. "You too ok?". Kazuha gave a relieved smile and nodded.
"I'll be back to check on you when it's all over." He said and he left the room, shutting the door behind him.
"Well.." I said. "Guess we should get comfy."

As about an hour passed Traveler, Paimon, and I continued chatting.
"Man, the storm really is picking up!" Paimon exclaimed.
"Sure is" I said. "Hey Traveler? You're very strong, there's no doubt about that..but there's lots of strong people. How were you able to become known as a hero..with just swordsmanship? I mean no offense, I'm just curious!"
"Ah" the Traveler laughed. "Actually, I can also wield elements." They said as they formed a tiny tornado in their palm. "See?"
"Wow! But..you don't have a vision..how is it possible?" I asked.
"I'm not sure..but once I enter a region I can wield the element from that region." They then made a geo crystal and handed it to me. I inspected the crystal, awestruck. Incredible..I've never heard of someone using elements without a vision!
"Wait!" I said. "You can wield anemo! You could help Kazuha!"
"You're right!" Paimon said. "Come on Traveler!" I became excited about the idea that I could help Kazuha..even if it was indirectly. I lept up and we all ran out of the room. Instantly, it felt like we were blown back. Man this storm! We fought against the wind and found Kazuha.

"Kazuha!" I yelled. He whipped around.
"Y/n!?" He said, surprised. Panic in his voice. "Get back to your room! It's dangerous out here you-you could get hurt!" He was out of breath from struggling with the wind.
"I know but, the traveler c-" I started, but out of no where a long piece 0f log came flying at me!
"Get out of the way!" Kazuha yelled as he ran to me, jumping right infront of me. Everything happened so fast. Before I knew it, I landed on the floor with Kazuha ontop of me.
"Ouch!" I said, my tailbone hurting. "Heh..thank you Kazuha.." I said. Kazuha hadn't moved..and he wasn't saying anything. "K-kazuha..?" I asked.
"Y/n! Are you alright?!" The Traveler yelled running over to us. Paimon gasped. "Kazuha!"
My heart dropped. I started shaking him, his head was ontop of my chest so I couldn't see his face. "K..kazuha...?" I said again. No response. I slowly sat up to look at him. My heart sank. Kazuhas eyes were closed. "Hey..hey!!" I yelled, shaking him. "Kazuha...hey! No no no!" Tears started forming in my eyes. Kazuha was laying motionless in my lap. I look up at the traveler.
"Paimon, help y/n get Kazuha to his room, I'll take over for him." The Traveler said and started using anemo on the sails.
"Come on!" Paimon said urging me. I sat there frozen, staring at Kazuha, tears filling my eyes. Darkness started flooding my mind. It's my fault he warned me and I didn't listen now he's hurt and it's my fault what have I done oh my g-
"Y/n!!" Paimon yelled, snapping me out of it. "We need to move him!"
"Right" I sniffled, wiping the tears from my eyes. I got up slowly and put my arms underneath Kazuhas shoulders. Paimon grabbed his feet and we started carrying him to his room. The boat rocked suddenly making me stagger sideways. We continued on, wind blowing on our faces and sea water spraying us. We finally made it to his room and layed him on his bed.

"Phew!" Paimon sighed. "Good thing the traveler's adventures have been making Paimon stronger!"
"Paimon..go get Beidou..." I said, my voice breaking.
"O-oh right" Paimon said quietly and left the room. The second she was out of sight I burst into tears. It's all my fault... I grabbed his hand and held it close to my chest. My heart felt like it was going to rip in half from worry and guilt. I put my head on his chest and sobbed. I could feel his chest rising and falling with his breathing. Breathing..right..he's still alive. His steady breathing started calming me down. I focused on the rhythm and copied it, like he told me to do when I was in shock from my seeing my wound.
"Y/n what happened!" A voice said from behind me. It was Beidou. I turned around and she walked in with a worried looking Paimon following her.
"Beidou!" I cried. "H-he..it's my fault! He was protecting me! I didn't listen and..and..." my voice trailed off. Beidou looked..mad.
"Y/n.."She said looking at me. She then looked away and sighed, then looked at Kazuha. She walked over next to me and examined him. Seeing her move him around..and him laying limp...made me feel sick. I suddenly ran out of the room to the side of the boat and threw up into the thrashing sea. I wobbled back into Kazuhas room, Beidou stood up and walked over to me. She put her hand on my shoulder.
"He's going to be ok, he was just knocked out. He should wake up in a bit." I let out a deep breath, I didn't realize I was holding it. "I must apologize to you." She said. "I was angry with you at first. Kazuha means a great deal to me and seeing him hurt.." Beidou sighed and patted my head. "He'll be fine, look after him ok? I gotta go back and help my crew with this storm."
"Ok..thank you.." I said quietly. Beidou smiled and left the room. I returned to Kazuhas side. He looks...I don't know, I would say peaceful but that's not it..he was just lying there. No expression on his face.
"He's gonna be ok y/n!" I jumped. It was Paimon, I forgot she was there to be honest.
"I know..but..." I whispered. "It's my fault. He told me stay put and I didn't listen."
"We found a way to help out! It's not your fault y/n!" Paimon said reassuringly.
"I guess you're right." I said. "Hm..the boat doesn't seem to be rocking as much."
"Oh yeah you're right! Still sounds like it's raining though." Paimon said. "Paimon'll go check on the traveler!"
"Ok. Be careful" I said as Paimon headed out of the room. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. The storms dying down. That's a relief. I hung my head, feeling crappy. Man.. I'm tired... I thought. I took Kazuhas hand held it, and then put my head on his bed next to his side. I sat there waiting for him to wake up and slowly fell asleep.

I felt a pressure on my head and shot up. I fell asleep?! I looked at Kazuha and he was looking back at me smiling, his hand on my head.
"Kazuha!!" I cried and lunged in to embrace him. "I'm so sorry!!" Tears welling up in my eyes. I looked up expecting him to be angry at me..I deserved it. But..he was smiling at me.
"Aren't you mad?" I asked.
"At you? How could I be mad at you? You brought the Traveler to help me right?" Kazuha said.
"How did you know that?" I questioned.
"Like I said. The wind and I have an understanding, I knew the traveler could wield it from the start." He said
"But..you got hurt. Protecting me..." Kazuha took my hand and squeezed it.
"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you y/n." He said. I blushed, and he noticed. He laughed and sat up.
"Hey.." he said putting his hand on my face. "When I look at you, my heart gets lighter. You've brought this light into my life that has made it quite exciting. I've...grown fond of the time we spend together..." Now he's blushing?! "Sun and moon rejoice, birds of dawn sing songs anew, far from home..happy with you."
"Was that..a haiku..?" I asked. He turned bright red, looking embarrassed.
"Well..I'm not the most talented that area, but it seemed the best way to convey my feeli-"
I lent in and kissed him before he could finish. I broke the kiss and looked at him.
"I loved it" I said. Kazuha gave me a huge smile. Brighter than I've ever seen him smile now that I think of it.
He put his arms around me and hugged me tightly. "Will you..stay with me tonight..?" He asked quietly. My heart jumped.
"I'd love to" I said. He released his hug and opened the blanket he was under to let me in. I climbed in and he put his arms around me. My head on his chest, I could hear his heart beat. I'm so grateful it's beating.. I thought.
"I love you..." I said quietly. He tightened his arms around me, and I could hear his heart beat slightly faster. I chuckled to myself.

Authors note
Hi! Phew this chapter was a long one! It was actually hard for me to write, one of my biggest fear is losing my S/O. Writing this was kind of a therapy for me..in a way lol. Also! I'm keeping the travelers gender out of the story since some people have Aether and some have Lumine! Let me know if that's weird, I haven't seen it done yet. Anyways, hope this chapter tugged at your heart strings!

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