Akaashi keiji

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- husband material, he's way too sweet, cute, caring and takes care of all responsibilities whether it be of his own or of his love.

- appreciates everything his love does and cooks for her whenever he can.

- likes to pat her head and kiss her forehead often, he would love whenever she was hugging him or being clingy towards him.

- pays extra attention to what she talks about and what she does in her day.

- makes sure to walk her home everyday while he also let's bokuto near her because bokuto is too innocent to do anything, he then has to babysit both bokuto and y/n.

- he loves it when his love is there to watch his volleyball matches and practices, he tries to do his best in her presence.

- smiles whenever he see's his dear around, would talk to her softly and change his attention entirety towards her.

- takes her on movie and cafe dates.

𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬

- very sneaky when it comes to stalking his love, he stalks every moment of her with great precision.

- follows her around everywhere because he wants to protect her from the dangers.

- he would beat the hell out of anyone who tries to hit on or hurt his dear love.

- he doesn't and never punishes his love for anything she does.

- would have gps on his love's phone all the time, would check her phone and go through her internet life often.

- he likes staying at home more since it's safer for both of them he thinks, he would lock the house pretty well and stay attentive around his love.

- he takes care of his love like a baby when they're out in public, he's very close to her and keeps himself in his senses.

- won't let his love go anywhere alone without him, he talks very nicely and would convince his love at evey thing he wants her to do.

- he takes great care of his love's health, hygiene and mental health.



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