hurt ~ Tsukishima kei

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blood and violence ahead, also fluff.


Tsukishima might not be a total clingy guy or someone who easily express their love but rn he was damn worried after seeing y/n with a bruised cheek and a bleeding nose, she had a few bruises on her knees and elbows too and abdomen, Tsukishima didn't ask her anything about it.

He took her to the bedroom and asked her to change her clothing since it was dirty, he then cleaned her nose, the blood and the bruises before aiding them and applying bandage to her wounds, he then cuddled her in the bed for a while and calmly asked her to tell him what happened, he held y/n close to his chest as he felt her sniffles and hiccups as she told him how a few girls bullied her, Tsukishima took notice of the girl's names and stayed in bed with y/n til she fell asleep, he then left the home to figure out who the new names belonged to, he called nishinoya and tanaka at the gym in a hurry, after meeting with both of them he asked them the names since both of them knew about all the girls in the area and school, he told them y/n got into a feud with them not the bullying since he didn't want to make it uncomfortable for y/n when she meets them both, Tsukishima then left with the information he gained from tanka and nishinoya who gave him the information after hearing that their sister like y/n got into fight with some girls.

Tsukishima left to find the nearby store corner where these girls would usually hangout after school, he soon saw the four girls he was informed of, Tsukishima also saw three boys who looked like delinquents standing near the girls, he then confronted the girls on what they did, at first they declined the accusations and tried to hit on Tsukishima but when he got angrier they asked the boys to beat him up, instead Tsukishima beat the guys into a pulp before staring towards the girls, he then beat them slightly too so they don't go around messing again.

Soon he returned home, his fists were bloody and he also looked exhausted, y/n soon cleaned his fists and asked him to take a warm bath for which he pulled y/n in too, after the very long bath both of them got into bed where y/n asked Tsukishima where he was gone for past three hours and he replied in how he beat her bullies so that they won't go around bullying again, y/n felt glad and secured with him, she thanked him and hugged him tightly as he hugged her back tightly as he sighed relaxing into her touch soon falling asleep.


The girls then never went around y/n or tried bullying her or more girls because they were scared some guy might come and beat them and their boyfriends badly again.


Tsukishima took y/n to his volleyball practice soon where she was greeted loudly by tanaka and nishinoya, none of them talked to her about the fight thing and instead tried their best to cheer her up, tanaka did went to Tsukishima and threatened him to never hurt or mock y/n or he'll break Tsukishima's bones, Tsukishima internally scoffed but said sure to tanaka, hinata then came jumping and showed off his power move to y/n like a hundred times, at the end of practice both Tsukishima and y/n were walking home with yamagucci who felt like a third wheel so soon parted ways from the couple, once back both of them fell on bed tired after watching hinata do his power move a hundred time and the loud duo causing trouble at the practice, Tsukishima chuckled causing y/n to look at him when he suddenly got up and began tickling y/n making her laugh to death.


Thank you for reading.

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