should i be scared? - akaashi

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Read at your own risk.

Akaashi was a diligent student in his academics, an admirable player in volleyball, he was fine at handling with people's emotions and moods too, he was good enough at chores and other things too, he was popular enough for his looks and being academic prodigy in school.

Girls would gawk after him even if he wasn't their desired playboy, the type of guy who would indulge in fights but he did a play a sport. Akaashi would never bother over any girl, infact he suspected himself to he asexual because all his friends once had the sexual arousal and crushes on other girls, he didn't. He wasn't worried about being asexual if he was but bokuto was, he would keep sending akaashi various images and links to girl's Instagram pages, he wanted akaashi to date someone too, bokuto may not look like it but he really cared about akaashi and due to kuroo he read somewhere that boys who don't have a love relationship get depression, it was a reddit pin he read and since he's been worried about akaashi.

Today was nothing new for akaashi, walking to school with bokuto-san, attending school and practice and going home, soon as akaashi got home he immediately rushed to his room locking the door, it was his little secret he won't share it with bokuto-san or anyone but he's been interested in a girl for a while, a few months or so, she was a streamer, she would stream gaming or usual talking streams, most of her audience was male, many old males which was creepy but no one could deny her charm despite her mark, she would wear a black surgical type mask, only half of her face was visible, but she wasn't catfishing she did post the other half of her face on twitter, her eyes getting cut off in the image to hide her identity, akaashi would always stream her lives for as long as he could, he would pay close attention to it and ignore bokuto-san for it too.

Akaashi wasn't asexual, he realised that when one day he came home tired, he noticed there were no streams from 'limecookie' that was her user for her streams and twitter, no other social media of her was available by her, akaashi layed in bed trying to sleep but he couldn't, getting up he checked again and she was live, there he saw her dressed in a little bit of revealing clothes, still same mask and charm while she did her gaming and men went crazy in her comments, it was the first time akaashi felt himself turned on, so easily, he wasn't asexual or too sexual but he got turned on so easily it surprised him as well, he did himself watching her stream til he felt pleased enough and went to sleep.

It was the next day, akaashi was in class when he got a text from bokuto-san, he opened it to see another link to some Instagram page, regardless he opened it only to thank bokuto-san, the Instagram page belonged to her but actual her, it was private so akaashi requested to follow the account, his request got accepted after a few hours, he was so happy he hugged bokuto-san when he met him at practice, akaashi stalked her entire page to finally see her entire facial features, she had no boyfriend and this was her actual real identity account kept hidden from other people, her name was y/n l/n, such a pretty name akaashi thought as he kept stalking the page.

It had been a few months since y/n began receiving these texts from an account named "akaaashi-san 🏐" well bokuto made akaashi's Instagram account so it was obvious but y/n didn't knew who this was but the account would send her sweet texts everyday, she decided to talk to the person, she was actually interested in talking with him, he seemed very genuine and cool, y/n and him talked for months until they decided to meet in person, y/n met him at a cafe near his home, akaashi was really handsome in person and very nice to talk with, y/n enjoyed their little meet until akaashi asked if she wanted to visit his house it was near, he used the light rain which was occurring as his reason to why they should go to his house, without much consideration to his words y/n agreed, akaashi's home was a usual home, he greeted his mom when he stepped inside, his mom greeted both of you as then akaashi took you upstairs to his room, til now everything seemed normal until he opened his room door and let y/n in only for her to gasp loudly.

The entire room was filled with her pictures and posters, akaashi apologized since he thought y/n didn't like he did that but he was shocked when she said how weird but cute it was he did that, akaashi found her amusing, she wouldn't think of anything negatively, akaashi took advantage of it and began manipulating her into deleting her streaming, twitter, making her distance from her old friends, he made sure bokuto-san was her friend because he knew bokuto-san was loyal and trustworthy, akaashi got her address and would regularly walk her to school and home, would stalk her, keep eye on all her internet activity and keep her under his control, his charming personality can never make anyone doubt him for being so possesive.

Akaashi would create fake accounts and send y/n threats making her delete her Instagram too, he was the worst and the best happened to her according to akaashi because he found it good that he distanced y/n from the society and internet specially because he knew if he didn't some other older creep or pervert would do something to her.

The end.
Thank you for reading! 📖


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