Sugawara koshi

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- crazy clingy around y/n, would hug her, pat her head, kiss her, pinch her cheeks.

- he likes cooking for y/n and he is way too proud and happy when y/n cooks something for him.

- he likes to her hair everyday and choose her dresses for her, he likes doing everything for her but he won't force it, he'll do what she wants him to do.

- he invites y/n to all of his volleyball matches and practices, he likes it when she's around, makes him feel positive and motivated.

- he'll make sure nishinoya and tanaka are away from his love because those two can't be trusted.

- would let daichi or yamagucci near y/n to help her or be beside her when he's busy.

- would take his love on multiple dates every week, dinner dates, walking dates, would simply take her out during night to have a snack.

- would go out to bring her icecream or anything even in the middle of the night, that is how much he loves her.

𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬

- super clingy, won't leave his love alone for a moment.

- follow her everywhere and keep an eye out for any creeps, he hates when other men look at his love, he doesn't react to that more than a glare but when they try making a more he'll beat them alot.

- he goes from the sweetest person to a literal monster when he see's a guy trying to hit on his love.

- would scold y/n whenever she is careless in public, he tells her how she can do anything at home but she needs to be at alert when she's not around him.

- makes sure to text and call y/n whenever he's away from her, to make sure she's safe and fine.

- would threaten everyone around her to not mess with her or he'll be the worse to them.

- doesn't hurt y/n but ignores her when he's mad, which lasts for a few minutes since he can't resist her cuteness and her trying to convince him to talk to her.



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