Horror movie night~ ushijima and tendou

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Read at your own risk, if you don't get scared of horror movies first of all respect secondly sorry because y/n in this one-shot is scared.

Tendou, y/n and ushijima was a trio they didn't knew they'd make, y/n was a student in their class whom they got close to during a project and became very good friends with, she was also the first person after tendou whom ushijima got comfortable and friendly with.

It was another night tendou decided to announce it as a horror movie night because this menace of a pretty monster is crazy and loves horror movies, ushijima had no hesitation, he knew the movie was fake and acting so he didn't get scared but y/n was someone who'd get scared if they watch something scary and sinister, tendou being the anthologist of horror movies chose a very dark and sinister one of course, he got all the things necessary, popcorn, snacks, pillows, plushies, blankets and ushijima on the couch and began the horror movie.

It wasn't much scary in the very beginning but slowly it started getting scarier and scarier, making y/n shiver and jump whenever a jump scare popped up, tendou would laugh it off until it got worse and y/n threw the entire bucket of popcorn which was in her hands into the ground as she flinched seeing jump scare pop up again, tendou turned the movie off and cradled y/n in his arms apologizing and comforting her while ushijima just stared, tendou then got up to clean the room and ushijima picked y/n up, he asked tendou if they could clean it up later and instead go for a walk to relax off the mood.

Tendou agreed and now the three were walking down the streets during night, the moon shone brightly in the sky as few mist likely clouds roamed around due to the fresh cold breeze which flew in the atmosphere, it wasn't cold or chilly but a sensation of it could be felt, the walk was mostly calm until tendou jumped and took a few steps back causing both y/n and ushijima to stop and look over at him, tendou stared at the side of the street ahead, it was dark and no one could see much, tendou began taking steps back and walking from the way they came in a hurry causing ushijima and y/n to do so too while asking tendou what happened why was he suddenly acting so strange, suddenly and by luck a loud thud like sound was heard from where they were walking back from, tendou rushed his speed as now ushijima held y/n's hand rushing too he felt as if tendou felt something was off and began running, all of them ran, tendou kept increasing his speed at smallest of sounds, y/n was lacking behind from tendou and ushijima was slowed behind due to it too so he immediately picked y/n up and began running at his fullest until all of them reached back at tendou's home, due to the long run all of three of them stood for a moment to take in oxygen.

Both ushijima and y/n looked at tendou for answers when he smirked in a smudgy manner and said gotcha to them running inside the house, both ushijima and y/n Facepalmed, ushijima walked in with y/n to see tendou staring at the floor intensely, both y/n and ushijima thought this was another one of his silly pranks until they focused and saw a roach, all of them backed up, y/n got on the couch while tendou did the same, ushijima sighed as he then mercilessly killed the roach and threw it away, y/n and tendou got off and they decided to sleep it off since all of them were tired, now when they were making beds, tendou said he'll get water from the kitchen while ushijima left to use the restroom, y/n was putting down blankets when the room she was in, the door moved slightly like it was closing, she stood there staring at it when suddenly from behind it tendou came in causing y/n to loose her focus and flinch and fall on the futon, she shouted at tendou for scaring her so much when he told her he just got there he was downstairs in the kitchen, hearing his words and both ushijima who returned from the bathroom and y/n knew he was saying it genuinely, y/n began crying because this was too much for her to handle within a day.

Both ushijima and tendou comforted her until she fell asleep and then they did too, the next morning no one talked about the last night and continued on with life, tendou never asked for another horror movie night, he was too scared he'll make y/n scared again and ushijima won't like it.

The end.
Thank you for reading!


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