𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐚 | 𝟐

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For a lot of girls their wedding day is the most special day for them; preparation, dresses, parties etc.

Well for me, my wedding day was no where near special. In fact it was the most dreadful day.

Yeah I felt princessey with all the attention on me. The whole hall was enchanted with happiness and warmth until my eyes meet his.

Cold, dark, empty is all I could describe about him. I've heard rumours about Xavier Lorenzo, such as him being so deadly. It was said alot of people feared him though when he kissed me today it was a whole different person touching my lips.

I'll admit he is very good looking, sharp jaw line, dark brown eyes and one hell of a body. When I first walked in seeing him in that well fitted suit, I swear the butterflies in my stomach went crazy, then they just died as soon as he looked at me.

In a way I should thank him for choosing to marry me, I've been longing for this freedom all my life however it felt as if I escaped from one trap to another. We vowed to be together till death do us part, now that i think of it, the rest of our lives is a very long time.

It was now evening, I said my goodbyes to my family, hugged my sister super tight. Not a single tear drops because one thing about me is I don't cry in front of people ever. Mother said once that crying would not solve the problem. Since then I've only broke out tears in my room. Which would be very so often.

Xavier seizes my hand, squeezing it tightly. Pulling me to his dark blue gtr r36, he slams the door shut and waves off the people.

I put my seatbelt on while he gets in. The engine roars and we drive away from the cheering crowd. And just like that, we're married.

The whole journey was quiet, I didnt dare speak not because I was afraid but because I didnt know what to say. I had so many questions but something tells me he wouldnt answer them.

We were supposed to go to the all seasons to commemorate our union, but our honeymoon had to be on a pause due to Xavier's work.

Xavier pulls up infront of a huge mansion, not bigger than the palace in Jordan but it was big for the two of us.

We get out and I look around at the water fountains and flower beds. My heels clack on the stone steps, gaping at the old english house.

The lights automatically switches on and my jaw drops as I walk through the doors with my dress draped across the floor. Inside was beautiful, Marble glossy floors with a stairs in the middle.

I turn to Xavier with gleaming eyes, he simply ignores me and walks up the stair.

I wasnt sure if I was meant to follow him until he stops on the steps turning to me. "I don't have all night quick." His voice echoes.

I scrunch up my dress and fast walk towards the stair. I follow him all the way down the coridoor until we halt infront of a door.

He opens the room and lets me walk in. There was a double size bed in the center with white chest draws on the side. "This will be your room." I turn around as he's about to shut the door, "Wait won't you come in?" I ask

"No. We will sleep in different rooms." I didn't know married couples sleep alone. "Aren't we meant to stay in one room since we're you know married?" I say showing the ring on my finger.

"Just because you're married to me doesnt make you any special to other females." His reponse stabs me several times in the heart. Just as cruel as mothers. "Jeez who broke your heart." I mutter under my breath.

Before I know it his hand come around my throat tightening slightly. My eyes widen as I struggle to breath.

"This marriage will only work out if you follow my two rules.
Dont invade my personal space and never ask about my past, you will only hurt yourself my little jewel" I hold his arm, trying to pull it away.

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