𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐧 | 𝟐𝟐

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Armard approuches the isolated two story house, switching his engine off. His eyes bounce between the house and trees. "What are you waiting for Trent's in there." Ajax says inpatiantly. Armard shakes his head, "No wait." I was sat in the back seat watching them both confused. "Wouldn't he switch his phone off so we don't follow him?" Armard ask glancing at us. Trent wasn't stupid, he would plan this out thoroughly meaning he would leave no space for mistakes

"Unless he wanted us to follow him." I add trying to put the pieces together. Normally when we want to hide we wouldn't show up on anyones radar but why did we get his phone pinging in the center of this house of all places?  "Why would he purposely lead us to a house we used to do shit in?" Armard was getting somewhere. All three of us sit in silence while trying to wrap our heads around this.

"Because he would want us to search here instead of where he actually is?" Ajax finally speaks up. "Correct." Armard says. This area was very familiar to us since we spent most our high school nights here. Trent wasn't sentimantal, nor was he secretive. But we were. My eyes jolts up as realisation hits me. "The house was always exposed, he wants solitude somewhere no one would find him." A man with no secrects suddenly hiding wouldnt hang around here. He would be in a secretive place, one where we had privacy. shit

"The church." Armard and I say at the same time. All this time we had thought we pinned his location while he was deeper in the forrest. It finally hits me, Trent deliberately sent us here, knowing we'd think he isn't one to hide. There was no tire marks on the ground other than ours, no cars or people around us. He must have planted his phone and left. "Wait a damn second. If he's somewhere in the church thats not so far from here, why wouldn't he lead us away from him?" I look at Ajax from the corner of my eye as Armard switches the car engine on. You could see this little cottage from the top of the church. He was watching us, waiting for his sign to know we fell into his trap.

Jax rolls down his window and shoots the center glass window of the house and throw a heat pack through there. We drive into the dark forrest when we hear the sound of an explosion errupt behind us. Turning around I look out the back window to see the house broken apart. "Thermal bomb, that fucker."

"Funny, we just got them newly imported for Xaviers mafia and he's stolen one to kill us." Ajax points out. Both their fathers work in the mafia, they knew about all the new weaponary and imports.

Armard pulls up next to the church, there was an old home exactly next to it where the church owner used to live until he died, The rain was heavy so trent wouldn't hear us coming. We get out and force ourselves to go slowly even though I wanted to make myself known. Treading lightly and keeping my eyes wide open, I nod towards Ajax for him to open the back door.

I crept across the kitchen and into the dark corridor. There were three closed doors and one open at the end, she could be in there but it could also be a trap. Good thing I let my intrusive thinking get to me. Tiptoeing towards the room, we creak the door more open.

Octavia laid on the floor in the shadows, struggling to untie the ropes on her wrist and legs. I walk in not seeing Trent anywhere. Octavia jerks her head towards us and sucks in a breath.
Shaking her head she tries to move back, "No." she cries softly. "Don't.." she could barely speak but by the way she moved away, she thought we were going to do something. "We're not here to hurt you." I say slowly walking towards her. After the way I scared her in the diner I doubt she would believe me. I wouldn't have believe myself an hour ago too. Ajax shines his phone flash at her making her bruises and cuts more visible. She was draining out blood while her white dress was no longer so white.

Ajax charges towards her grabbing the rope, "Fucking hell what has he done to you."

It was silent, dead silent. something was wrong. "He wouldn't leave her alone, if he knew we'd know." I stated picking up a wooden stick. Trent may act stupid but he was smart at times. He knew us inside out and wants to trap us too.

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