𝐗𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐫 | 𝟐𝟗

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WARNING: 18+ content

I carry two duffel bags on my shoulder while Octavia walks infront of me with Rosa. She got discharged after her check up today. I haven't been home in three days because it didn't feel like it without Octavia. She is my home.

We get in the car and make our ways home. The winter wind blew against the car windows harshly. The coldest time of the year but Octavia's favourite. "This home won't be the same anymore. I'll be so lonely without you." Octavia whines. Rosa laughs, "You got this big chuck of a husband to keep your company, right X?"

"Yeah, took some time off work too." That better be a point in Rosa's 'Is Xavier a good husband' book. Senzo Cove was always busy, afternoon traffic was the worst. It sometimes makes me hate driving. The girls chat in the back seats for the whole hour while I die from a headache.

Since the night Octavia was emmited to the hospital, I've fallen ill. I hated the winter flu, my nose was always runny and I felt so damn cold everywhere.

I grip the steering wheel hard from the frustration swelling inside me. "What's got you so riled up?" Octavia asks. She massages my neck from behind my seat. What a fucking star.

"Nothing. I need a hot shower and a warm body next to me in bed. I'll fucking take Ajax if I have too." I tell the girl. Octavia slaps my shoulder laughing lightly. "Just take me home before I beat your ass." My lips curve, I didn't know she liked that kind of stuff. Hell it wasn't my game but I wouldn't mind.

After what felt like 10 years, I pull up to our drive shifting the gear to park.

Rosa takes Octavia in while I take the bags from the boot.
I enter the quiet house, dropping the bags on the ground.

Octavia walks straight to the backyard stretching her left arm. "I missed this fresh air." She says letting the cold air blow in.

Rosa turns to me with a concerned look. "She'll be fine right? I got work right now."

"You go ahead, she's in good hands here red." I say swinging my arm around her shoulder. We were both relieved nothing major has happened to Octavia. This girl only entered our life not that long ago and she's made quite an impact already.

"Talk to her. She's been so worried about bringing your mum up that night. You know she doesn't mean anything." She said as we both watch at her in the backyard looking in the distance.

"Half the shit she blurts out is bs. I didn't take it to heart anyways." I tell her patting her shoulder. She then says goodbye to Octavia before leaving.

The door slams shut echoing through the wide corridor. I walk to the backyard where Octavia standing near the railings. Wrapping my hands around her waist, I drop my chin on her left shoulder being cautious of her right wound.

"Isn't it my turn?" I ask her snuffling in her thick hair. "Your turn for what?"

I throw her over my shoulders and say "To take care of you of course." Taking her back inside, I slap her round ass before plopping her onto the couch.

Starting from her chest, I make my way down pulling her t shirt off.
My lips meet hers and we kiss passionately. Caressing my tongue with hers, I pushed my cock against her groin. With every light pants, moans and excited gasps, I knew I was what she needed.

Unclasping her bra, kissing her shoulder blade, my hands kneed her breasts. Sliding her nipples in and out between my fingers, I suck so hard as her clit throbs harshly on my stomach.

I slide my hands inside her yoga pants and feel her warm moist cunt. She was so wet, what a fucking tease. Starting with one finger then adding a second one, Octavia tilts her head back pushing my hand in for more.
She opens her eyes and faces me. "I want you Xavier." She says almost begging.
"Say that again." My dick was so hard, I could almost come in my pants.

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