𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐚 | 𝟏𝟎

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WARNING : 18+ content

I wake up from the sudden movement. Opening my eyes, a gush of cold wind hits my face. Arms are carrying me inside.

His strong minty scent reaches my nose as I lift my head from his shoulder. "Shh I'm taking you to your room" he say carrying me up the stairs.

Putting me down on my bed, he wraps the blanket ontop of me while I was in his blazer.

He leaves my room shutting my door leaving me in the silence. Without even realising my heavy eyelids flutter shut and the surrounding dims out.



I jump up from the screams I hear. I rub my eyes incase its a dream then I hear it again. Xavier.

I run out of my room down the corridoor when his room was.

never enter my room I hesitate not knowing what the consequences would be.

Then he screams again. My hands tighten on the nob as I open his door for the first time. Cold and crisp air surrounds his room. It was dark and plain. The only light being the moon, I quietly walk towards his low bed crouching on my knees.

He moves his head side to side, sweat running down his forehead. I nudge his two times until he jumps out of his sleep.

Xavier breaths heavily as his bloodshot eyes roam the room. "Hey, you just had a bad dream" I said rubbing his back.

Looking down at me. with his right arm he lifts me so I'm sitting on the edge of the bed.

His hands were ice cold, wind was forcing itself in from the windows causing the blinds to go crazy.

Slowly he calms down still looking at me. His eyes soften and so does his grip in my arm.

Removing his hand, he sits back leaving on the headboard with both hands behind his head. "I thought I said to never enter my room." He tells me focusing on my worried face.

"When someone screams like that I would be concerned." I say rolling my eyes.

He drops his poker face and asks, "You was concered for me?"
"Why wouldn't I be." I admit. Hearing him scream made me feel something. He made me feel.

We look at each other in the eyes, it was as if our eyes knew something we didn't. A sudden urge, need.

A minute doesn't pass when Xavier hands pulls my thigh so that I'm on top of him. "You care for me." He says kissing my neck.

His warm lips feel so good on my shivering skin. "I still hate you." I force up my throat.

He pushes the blanket from under me and slides his hands under my dress.
He tugs on my thigh while I feel my inside react from his touch.

"I can feel your goosebumps let me warm us up." He tells me before taking his shirt off. Flipping us over, my back is now on his matteress while he hovers over me.

His hands go under my panties and without a warning he thrusts two fingers inside of me in one go.

I swallow the moan back down my throat. He doesnt deserve the enjoyment.

I grip the back of his neck as he sucks the frozen skin on my neck.

The cold wind blows through, his fingers deepen inside of me. His lips meet mine and he kisses me totally out of control.

His thrusts are unyielding as if he wants to reach my soul. He pulls out just before I come and pulls the dress over my head.
Skin to skin
I hear his heart beat and heavy breaths while his silver chain dangled between us.

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