𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐚 | 𝟐𝟒

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I wake up from the sun shining down on my face. Stretching my tired body, I turn over to my side looking around the room.

The walls were white while the ceiling was a light shade of grey. Even the bed matched the ceiling which looked modern.

I walk around the room checking stuff out. Normally I wouldn't be nosey but Armard interests me. He is different to the omens. Yes he is terrifying like them however he is more quiet and self retained.

Leaving the room, I find Armard in the kitchen cooking. He knows how to cook?

Turning his head towards me, he makes two plates of breakfast and leaves them on the table.

I help myself to orange juice and sit down on the wooden table. Taking a sniff of rhe glorious omelette, the strong smell of coffee invaded my nose.

"I didnt know you could cook." I said stuffing the egg in my mouth. His icy grey eyes strikes through mine sending shivers down my spine. Okay, maybe I should limit the talking.

"You don't know anything about me." He says still staring at me. "I know you're the Omens golden boy. You have more self control and watches over the others. Kinda like their mum."

He chuckles to himself showing half a smile. "Xavier said you're scared of us, yet you're trying to tell me I have a good heart? Where the fuck did he find you angel?"

I cross my arms, "I'm not scared of any of you boys. You're all just silly immature and possibly unloved species who enjoy hurting other."

"Physical pain comes with guilt and consequences but silences the pain inside you, it's like a game. You win some and lose some." Armard says nonchalantly, "Xavier will pick you up around 4 today."

I'm not ready to talk to him. I dont want to be near him. "No I can make my own ways." Dont stay somewhere youre not wanted.

"I'm not going to die because you're choosing to be stubborn. You're his, theres no way out." He explains eating his food.

"Divorce is a thing." I mumble. I don't want a divorce because that'll mean I'll have to go home and after Xaviers stunt last time I don't want to go entertaining the situation.

"He wouldn't allow it. You've entered his life now." I sigh at his response. I hate them all, not even sure why I'm still here.

"I don't want to have contact with him anymore. He means nothing to me."

"You're letting yourself become vulnerable angel. In this world nasty men would take advantage of that." he pulls my arm making me halt as I try to leave.

"You shouldn't trust us yet. Just because I dont fuck like the rest does not mean I will stop them from getting to you. Ajax may be your friend but he loves sex. Damien on the other hand fucks anything living." I mentally throw up from what he says. He's right, the Omens we're pretty tight, if I fucked up with Xavier they would avenge him.

"You all are fucked up as each other." I tell him. "We all had different shit to get through in life just like you." I scrunch my face not understanding what he meant.

"You're broken like us hence why Xavier is so interested in you like the rest." Now that I think of it Xavier was no where near normal. He was so hidden about his past and made sure I never knew about it.
Was there possibly something I shouldn't have known as it would affect our marriage?

My mind drifts to Armard, I've been told he had a good relationship with his stepfather and mother. He also was overprotective of his stepsister and owned two steady businesses with his stepdad.

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