𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐚 | 𝟏𝟔

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WARNING : 18+ content

I wake up from the vibration from my seat. My eyelids feel heavy as my eyes barely open.

We're no longer on the plane, I rub my eyes and look out the car window. Madrid. We're back in spain.

I check my phone and see it's only 12am. The flight was five hours but since Jordan is an hour ahead, we came an hour early.

Looking to my left, I see Xavier focused on the road ahead. I'm not surprised he carried me here from the plane.

My cheek still stung from my mothers slap. Her ring left a light graze but nothing makeup couldnt cover.

Leaning my head on the window, I watch Xavier handling the steering wheel from the corner of my eyes.

He swerve turning the wheel to the side as he makes a turn. His hands grip it while his foot steps on the gas.

We reach what r think is a diner joint and he parks right outside of it.

"Take me home." I said loud enough for him to hear. He ignores what I say and walks out the car.

I sit in my seat waiting for him to come back but he doesnt. Turning my head I check if he is around but he isn't. How could he leave me alone in a car during this time of night?

Stretching my tired body, I get out of the car and walk towards the diner. My legs tremble from the cold barely holding me up.

Xavier had one leg resting on the wall while his other was on the ground. Ajax, Armard and Damien stand around him all looking at me.

"You're right, she came in 10 seconds." Ajax tells Xavier who was smoking.

Standing right infront of him, I say, "I said take me home." He takes the cigarette out his mouth and faces upwards blowing the smoke into the air.

"Do you wanna try little wife?" Damien asks showing his cigarette. I shake my head moving abit closer to Xavier.

The three boys were all dressed in black combats and black boots. Damien grabs my hand and kisses it, "you scared your husband will say no?" He asks. I move my hands from his cold one.

Suddenly the whole surrounding becomes more darker and eariey. The boys look taller and no matter which way I looked they all towered me.

"She's her own boss. I'm not stopping her." Xaviers deep voice chimes. Nothing but their devious faces are visible.

Damien comes more closer and blows the smoke in my face. I cough as I stumble back abit. I'd rather be alone in the car than with them.

Everything about the boys are dangerous, from their malicious look to their bloody knuckles. BLOODY KNUCKLES. I gasp as I look at Armards hands. One was bandaged and another was still bleeding.

"Oh don't worry darling It's not ours." Damien says hiding his hands behind his back. A low chuckle comes from behind me. He's enjoying this isnt he.

"Are we going in or not I'm fucking freezing here mate." Ajax says jumping on the spot.

One by one they walk in while I stand frozen. This time Xavier actually stops and turns back, "Don't be stubborn and just come in."

I refuse to listen to him as I cross my arms and turn around facing the car.

Cold late spring air blows in my face. Winter is almost here my favorite season. There was a few cars outside and the lamplights were very dim. I wonder where this is. A hand covers my mouth and I inhale sharply.

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