𝐗𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐫 | 𝟗

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Normally when a person feels dangered they avoid it. However Octavia's would challenge it and overcome it like me.

She should be afraid of me yet a month later we are still married. How could I be certain she isnt being a good daughter to her father?

I want to praise every inch of her tan body but don't want her thinking much of it. Maybe I could scare her until she has no choice but to leave me, because thats what people do nowadays, they just leave when they cannot handle you.

When her little hazel eyes look at me I instantly forget who I am. It's as if she holds a power against me to attract me to her. A magetic field pulling us together though thats the last thing we need, one of us deeply attached.

Today the omens will meet up. I haven't seen most of them since my wedding day so they'd be alot to catch up on.

I head to octavia's room to check if she was getting ready. A blue dress was displayed on her bed while she was getting her makeup on. She doesnt move her head from the mirror though she can sense I'm here.

Leaning on the door, I stare at her through the mirror waiting her her to look at me. "Back to ignoring me amor?" I say. She scoffs while touching up her eyelashes. Her skin is so smooth and perfect.

She gets up and walks right past me but I grab her throat stopping her. Her eyes widens as I take in a fresh sniff of strawberries and flowers. "I don't like being ignored little jewel." I warn her.

Whenever mum was mad at me she would ignore me instead of yelling, father would completely act as if i don't exist or he'd go on about how I cannot ruin his reputation by fighting in school.

"You happen to not like alot of things." She says trying to escape my hold. That was true, I hated almost everything and everyone but she happened to catch my interest but not enough to love her. Never that. "Theres been a change of plans, we will leave at 4, so you got half an hour."

She nods then I let her go. She walks to her bathroom and I go downstairs where Ajax was.

I was wearing a usual black on black suite while Ajax was in a pressed amarni navy suit.
He had his hair jelled back whereas mine was messy, Octavia can fix it later, I like when her little fingers rummage through my hair.

"You think she's ready for the others. you know how they are." Ajax tells me. The boys are vindictive sociopaths but they are loyal, I don't trust them with Octavia but I know they wouldn't ever force her into anything and since I already claimed her she's untouchable.

"She's a strong little thing." Octavia is like a pebble in your shoe, not so harmful but annoying as fuck.

Especially when she runs that little mouth of hers. It turns me on whenever she talks back to me and I hate having to stop myself from filling her mouth to shut her up. baby steps. Take one thing at a time, greed only leads to messy situations.

A minute before 4pm we hear the sounds of Octavia's heels clack on the marble floor. We both turn our heads towards the stairs as she walks down.

"Holy fuck." Ajax looks at her as if she's naked. Her magnificent blue dress hangs on her body delicately looking as beautiful as ever.

I watch her take every step down, so impeccable so fauntless. So mine. Ajax takes her hand and kisses it, "Belle you look like a princess in a disney film."

She's dressed so fairy like, my smile fades as I recall my fathers word. The life you got mapped out doesnt include little fairies prancing around.

It's just an arrangement, I don't love her and she doesn't love me. I walk infront of the both of them signalling them to follow. A party with the boys, Octavia can handle it.

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