𝐗𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐫 | 𝟏𝟏

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"Because she's not my birth mother."

My eyebrows drop from shock. Octavia isn't her daughter. How could that be?

"So who are you?" I ask her. Everything makes sense now. On the wedding day she wasn't so sad because she wasn't giving her child away.

"My father cheated on her with my mother at their early stage of marriage. When my real mum found out she was pregnant with his child she practically chucked me on his doorstep without looking back. I found out when i was 11 and since then life turned upside down for me." I gather this information quickly. Her biological mum is a no show and she was raised by another woman.

"How has your life turned, you still a Jordanian princess to your father." Her family seemed so close and warm. I don't see what was possibly wrong with them.

"Dad loved me and treated aziza and i the same. It was mum who hated me. Did everything she couldn't do to my actual mother to me. " A hint of sadness is in her voice. Not once has she looked my way, showing me theres more to it.

"What did she do?" I question her. What's the worse that woman could do?

"8 years on ongoing pain and suffer." She pauses for a second then lightly laughs. "She's the reason i feel nothing but pain. I couldnt even embrace my own fathers love though i tried. She whipped every ounce of affection out of me" she tried to laugh it off but there was nothing funny in her tone.

I narrow my eyes and grab her jaw forcing her to look at me. "What did she do?" I ask more demandingly. "Mother loved her belt. She let out her hatred on me whenever father wasnt around." That explains why she flinches alot.

My jaw tightens seeing her act alright about it. Nothing about this was alright. "Why didn't you tell your dad?" He should know his own daughters getting abused under his roof.

"She would manipulate him into thinking I'm lying and they'd send me to therapy and all. No matter what i do she would have always found a way to make my life hell. That's why I didn't hesitate accepting this marriage, you was my only hope of escaping." I was her hope. All this time i wanted to hurt her but she's been through enough suffering.

I should stop but I can't. I cannot stop hurting her because i know i'll end up falling in love. She makes it impossible to not love her. But my feeling for her stop me from continuing because if i show affection it will only drive her away from me.

"What if i was your next nightmare. Maybe worse than her." How could she be so adement that I wouldn't do worse?

She genuinely looks me in the eye. No emotions, nothing. "Anything is better then her torture. Even if it meant marrying a man who barely looks my way."

Her gaze falls behind me at the open window. She was still shivering, i get up and shut the window though i like my room cold.

I get back in bed and pull her closer to me. Surprisingly, I somewhat feel sorry for her. For what she had to go through. "I would never abuse you."

"I would never allow it." She says back. It makes sense to why she always had her guards up. I realised overtime she tried liking me even after all i wanted was to hurt her. "You made me feel though." I lift my head to look at her.

I look at her to continue. "Tonight i felt free. I felt something other than pain and fear. I felt lo-" i cover her mouth before she makes a mistake.

"Dont say shit you dont mean." She can't fall in love with me. She just can't. I release her mouth and we both stay silent. "Tell me more about what she has done." I wanted to know the ways she hurt Octavia. I want her to feel rage and anger. Mostly I was angry she kept quiet this whole time.

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