𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐚 | 𝟒

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The past three weeks married to Xavier Lorenzo makes me question my freedom. He always has a say in everything i do. I can't go anywhere without him knowing, I have to stay in my room when his friends come over, I can't even come so close to him.

Last night was the closest I've ever been to him. I only helped because he called me useless, something my mother used to complain about.

I feel so restricted in this home, i only have Rosa and she's amazing. Xavier is always working or he's busy for me.

I head downstairs to have breakfast. As I walk in the living room, I see Xavier seated with a cup of what I think is hot chocolate. He was wearing nothing but a grey sweatpants. His torso was wrapped with a white bandage.

Yesterday was the first time i saw his body and boy is it something worth drooling at. His muscular veiny arms and long fingers.

He takes a sip and looks up, catching me staring My cheeks heat up while my legs press tightly together. "What?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

I shake my head and quickly take a seat. Pouring coffee in my cup, he places a chocolate croissant on my plate as he takes a normal one.

"What if I didn't like that?" I asked him. He looks me in the eyes and says, "Bullshit your love for chocolate is concerning. Don't even know why you love it so much" says the man drinking it.

"For someone who acts like they hate chocolate sweets, you got a lot in the drawers." I say trying to catch him out. One of our rooms happened to be an inside gym which only meant he works out. And from the shape of his body he definitely worked out. This is probably the first normal conversation we had.

"Their there for you." He replies before taking another sip of his hot chocolate. He likes hot coco but not the actual candy, he's as weird as they get. I don't say anything else incase I start rambling again.

I finish my crossiant and so does he. We sit here together in silence until he speaks, "I noticed how you talk so much with other people but with me you remain silent?"

I look at him with a 'are you serious' face, "You don't like when i speak."

"No i don't like half the shit that pretty mouth of yours says." The pretty felt heavier then is should have.

"I apologies sir if my rambling doesnt satisfy you." I say in a mocking tone. He acts so big headed like as if he's better than me. We all know who the better person is, since I'm the only humane person here.

A new face express paints his face. I blink hard incase I'm seeing things. Is Xavier Lorenzo smiling? His lips are still curved when he says, "You never say my name."

"because I don't like it." I reply fast as his smile slowly fades.

"You don't have to pretend to hate me amor." Try living a week with you, it's kinda hard not too.

"Who said I'm pretending." I take a bite of my chocolate croissant, the rich flavour hit the back of my tongue this is good.

Xaviers smile fades as he tilts to left. His known pokerface appears, "Do you seriously want to hate the person you will live with your whole life?" Sometimes I think about strangling him to sleep. Right now is that sometime.

I place a fake smile, "I'm sorry sweetheart would you like a kiss before leaving to work? Maybe a little message in your lunch box?" Sarcasm is my way of speaking, take it or leave.

He stands up from his seat infront of me and grabs my throat gently. He didnt seem intimidating at all just surprising.

His head reaches down and our lips meet for a quick deep kiss then he breaks it leaving my flushed. "I'd be expecting that message during my lunch break." His breath smelt like sweet chocolate mixed with strong mint.

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