𝐗𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐫| 𝟕

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WARNING- 18+ content

Smoking a ciggerette, I rethink about yesterday. Why did she flinch, I understand I was angry but I never was planning to hit her. Seeing her shaking from fear hit me, never has she shown she was scared but her glossy eyes only said limited things.

The whole day she hasnt spoken to me, infact she has been avoiding me. What is she hiding? I will find out whether she tells me or not.

It was time for dinner and I ordered a worker to get her downstairs. After a few minutes, I hear her light steps aprouching closer. She comes in and sits on the other end of the dinning table. I look at her facing down. Food is shortly served and she still hasn't spoken to me. She looks at her plate but doesn't touch it. "I want to apologise about yesterday, I don't hit women. No one will ever hit you not even me." I say sipping ma's hot chocolate.

I was curious to what she kept secrative. The only way to find out was getting into her. I need her to let me in, if theirs something going on in her life I want to know. I stand up and walk towards her.

I take a seat and cut her steak. "You look adorable when you are scared." Adorable? What is wrong with me. She glares at me, rolling her eyes. I like how my words affect her. "Roll your eyes one more time and i'll give you a reason to roll 'em little jewel." Even a blind person can tell her body is spectacular. Her waist is curvy and she has tits that aint small but aint so big either, just what I like. Her round apple ass looks so good whenever she wears tight jeans.

My dick twitches at the thought of her tastey body. I want to devour her, conquer her body but not yet she's not ready for whats coming. I stab the fork in a piece of steak and lift it to her lip, she moves her mouth saying, "I'm not a baby."

I laugh lightly still holding the fork up. "Then don't make me treat you like one. Open you mouth. Now." She looks thinner than she did the day she arrived. I've watched her food intake and since last week it kept decreasing. Her gaze challenges me and I hold the eye contact. I simply stare into her hazel eye. Their beautiful just like her. The corner of my lips curves into a smirk making her nervous. I tilt my head and this time I smile. "What's the matter amor?"  [Spanish : love]

she breaks the eye contact blinking her eyes. I lower the fork and lean into my seat.

She is like a poison, I know I shuldn't play with but calls for me. Spreading my legs, I keep my eyes on her as her cheeks redden. "Can you not look at me like that." she says quietly looking everywhere but at me. "Look at you like what?" I question her. She takes a deep breath and looks straight in my eyes. "Like I'm something you've been craving." Little does she know she's all I want right now. "It's because I am craving you." Her cheek glow even more. She doesn't know how badly I wanted to fuck her. However I do not want her thinking things. I wont just fuck her then go back to distancing because I cannot love her. Mother taught me well to no use womens body.
I will praise Octavia though. She's untouched, pure almost holy.

"Careful amor your innocent act turns me on." I warn her. Her lips part then shut straight away. Oh what i would do to just taste them plump lips. "You left hickeys all over me the other day." She whispers as if she's ashamed. I remember that night when I came all over her sexy chest, leaving my shiny mess on her breasts. "You left your mark and I left mine. We're even now." I show my arm where she bite me. Surprisingly her bite mark still remains there faded though.

She moves on her seat and holds my arm as she examines the mark. Running her fingers over it, I lightly tug her so shes standing inbetween my legs. "That really hurt you know." I say while her eyes are looking at my tattoo on my wrist. her fingers then draw over the words viva la vida while her light hair flows to the side.

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