𝐗𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐫 | 𝟏𝟓

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WARNING : abuse, 18+ content.

It has only been a few days in Jordan and I never felt like hurting someone more than Octavia's mum, Jamila.

Under that welcoming act I can sense a manipulating narcissist woman who doesn't care about anyone but herself.

The first day, we went around the capital city of Jordan and was showed many monuments and sacred places. The second and third day we spent shopping and then in the evening I went with Octavia's dad to his meeting with the Englishmen, Damien's useless father.

Yesterday, we stayed at the mansion the whole day. I've watched Octavia spend alot of time with her younger sister from a distance. She's alright with me when her parents are around but onces the doors are shut she acts as if I'm her greatest enemy, which isn't good.

Today morning I lay in the bed while Octavia is still sleeping. My eyes strain as I haven't had a single second of sleep since we arrived.

Octavia sleeps for a while longer until I have to wake her up. Today was our last day and I dont want her sleeping through it all. "Wake up amor it's late." She groans turning away from me. The little sounds from her mouth turns me on within seconds.

I gesture myself in a way my morning wood isnt visible. After a few seconds it softens but I was still so turned on. Octavia gets up and heads to the bathroom. While I wait for her, I get my clothes out for today and chuck it on.

I knew she would take forever in the bathroom so I used it while she slept. Once were both ready, we go downstairs for breakfast.

Everyday breakfast was something different. Today displayed on the table was many types of loafs and hummus along with other dishes.

I sit next to Octavia while one of the Jordanian women pours everyone a cup of tea. Octavia quickly covers my cup before the woman pours in mine. "He doesnt drink tea." she says wiping the few drops of hot tea from her hands. How did that boiling liquid not hurt her?

"Would you like coffee sir?" She asks fluttering her eyes abit too much. Is she trying to hit on me or something?

Octavia stands up smiling at the lady and takes my cup, "I'll do it, he doesnt like coffee much either." She knows me too well. Tea always seemed to posh and I could never get myself liking the bitter taste of coffee.

After a few minutes, Octavia comes back and hands me a hot mug. I take a whiff and instantly warm up to the sweet smell of chocolate. She made me hot chocolate.

She takes a seat and drinks her orange juice. Everyone eats from their plates and chat about her cousins coming over tonight.

I take a sip of my hot chocolate and memories of my childhood rushes through. It tastes just like ma's. "How'd you make it exactly like how I like it?" I ask her curiously.

She leans in and says, "I've seen you make it whenever Rosa was too busy to. Clearly it's a past thing if no one else can make it."
"Mama used to make us hot chocolate all the time. She said it was the easiest access to warming our hearts." I say laughing lightly. Ma used to say alot of things, but everything seemed right from her mouth.

"Your mother sounds very charming, I'm sure we all would have loved her." Jamila says clearly eavdropping in my conversation.

"Hopefully Octavia could be a charming mother to my children one day." I say back. Jamilas face hardens as she forces a smile and nods.
I see where Octavia learnt to hide her emotions, she believes she cannot express other feeling but she had been masking it with pain and anger all her life.

Once everyone finishes breakfast we head to the back where their pools was shadowed by palm trees.
I sit down inside the hut where Octavia's father sets up shisha for us. "Why would you say that." Octavia asks me quietly. She seemed very annoyed and somewhat afraid. Nothing will happen as long as I'm here.

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