the whole table went silent and looked at me. "shit"i muttered. Lip looked over at me confused.
"Lip, can i talk to you real quick"i asked.
he got up and we went into the living room. "what happened with ian?" he asked.
"he thinks we fucked of something when we was talking about are feelings and that..and when u smiled i don't know he must of thought u was smiling cos i didn't tell him about it?"i explained.
"i'm sorry maddie, i didn't mean for it too look like that. i was just happy you kept your promise, i'll go talk to him" he asked.
I stopped him from going upstairs "no i'll talk to him he'll get just angry and hurt you okay?"
i walked upstairs to the boy's bedroom door shut. i knocked on the door before entering "Ian" i said. he never replied. i just walked in to see him smoking out the window, he wasn't fused about me walking in at all.
"Ian"i said.
he looked up at me with tears in his eyes "what"
"i know you think me and Lip did something but i promise it wasn't like that, he came up to ask if i liked bolognese, then we just started talking about how i feel about you!"i explained.
"then why is the bed all messed up"he asked.
"cos we were sat there , Jesus Ian why don't you believe me?"
"fuck do i care anyway it's not like i'm your boyfriend"
"Ian please.. don't get mad"
no response. i can't be bothered to argue with him anymore. it will just get worse . i just went downstairs to finish my dinner. the table was still silent "everything is fine" i said. thankfully everyone carried on eat and talking like normal then Ian came down i was expecting him to leave but he just sat back down. after everyone was finished with there dinner Ian turned to me..
"i believe you mads"
i smiled.
"i'm sorry i ever doubted you."he added.
"you okay sleeping here again maddie"Fi asked.
"yeah"i smiled and looked over to Ian.
"hey, u two keep to PG don't want to be aunt just yet "she laughed.
"no worries"Ian said.
Ian went upstairs to have a shower and i helped Fi clean the kitchen. "so what was that about earlier?" she asked.
"not quite sure i think Ian thought i did something with lip."i explained. she looked confused. i then walked upstairs to Ian's room waiting for him to get out the shower, he came though the door with just his underwear and wet hair. i stood up from his bed and smiled at him. that's the moment i knew i was in love with Ian Gallagher.
"what u so smily about" he asked.
"nothing"i laughed and turned back around , he then grabbed my hips and pulled me close to him and gently kissed me. "what was it that you was telling Lip?" he asked.
"ugh just about how annoying you are" i laughed.
"yeah right" he said sarcastically.
"you don't know how long i've wanted to do that for" he smiled.
we layed in bed cuddling until i drifted of to sleep. i felt so safe in his arms.
"KIDS BREAKFAST " Fi shouted.
"ughh " i moaned as i didn't want to get up, my head was pounding. "good morning mads"Ian said rubbing his eyes and slipping on a shirt then heading downstairs for breakfast. i didn't feel like eating this morning so i just got ready for 'work'.
"u not hungry maddie?"fi asked.
" no thanks! i've got to get to work cya!"i smiled.
Ian gave me a puzzled look, he knew i lied about going to work as i had another hour till work started. i just want to see Mickey and Mandy. i walked up to my actual house and sighed. terry was thankfully not here, however Mandy was.
"omg Madeline your okay!"Mickey told me u was in hospital, i nodded. she apologised for not being there.
Even though i wanted to come here i hated every minute of it, i climb out my window and onto the roof and like a cigarette. "fuck Terry's back"i muttered. I pulled out my phone and saw it had unread messages from the Gallaghers
Ian: u okay u didn't seem urself this morning.
Ian: mads u ok?
Ian: where r uLip: u good Ian's worried.
i just shut my phone of. i heard Mickey come in my room, i climbed back though the window "the fuck u doin?" he jumped as i must of scared him then he looked up at me "maddie?"he smiled.
"sh Terry's home i don't want him to see me"i whispered. i looked into his hands to see he has a gun "wtf mick?" i questioned.
"Kash pulled it out on me" he laughed.
"did he hurt you?"i asked
"nope , took the gun of him, retard"
i jumped out the window and ran to the 'kash n grab' where i saw kash behind the register.
"the fuck is wrong with you" i shouted.
Ian heard and came running out to see what was going on. Kash looked at me confused
"the gun assface, you was going to shoot my fucking brother" i said. Ian came over to me and pulled me out back.
"mads calm down, mickeys fine. you need to get the gun of him though" he said.
"it has nothing to do with me or you Ian, it's Mickey and Kash" i said.
"fine i'll get it back myself" Ian explained. i don't know how we was going to get it but it wasn't going to end well. i stoped him from going out the door "be careful Gallagher"

unique lovers<3
عاطفيةthis is a story about two lovers struggling with mental health, and came from a two family's with hatred for one another's. this is a Gallavich story, so it has the story line of shameless (if you haven't watched shameless you might not know some o...