chapter 3 part 4: Yevgeny

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Svetlana was on my ass about Ian every second, that's when i told Fiona who ran over as fast as she could.

what the hell happened?"Fiona asked, walking into the living room, with Lip.

"he's crazy. he steals baby. He needs to be put away into crazy-people place, where they spray him with crazy-people fire hose and put electric in his head"Svetlana shouted.

"please shut the fuck up!"Mickey shouted from his bedroom.

"i told him i was gonna take him to the hospital. he freaked out, he took the fucking baby"i explained to Lip and Fi, they both looked at eachother and started talking.

I decided to go to the Gallaghers later that night to see if they have heard anything.

"he took Yevgeny last night?!"Debbie asked, i nodded.

"did you try calling his phone?"Carl asked.

"yes, he's not answering"Lip said.

"who's Ian, the one with the red hair?"Chucky asked.

"yes sweetie, he's the gay one with all the problems"she added.

"him being gay doesn't have anything to do with his problems, and he's not gay he's bi okay?"i snapped.

"i-i didn't say gay was a problem , just that he is gay and has problems"she reasoned.

"he left 18hours ago. he could be anywhere now"Debbie said changing the subject.

"shouldn't someone call the police?"sammie asked.

"no!!"we all shouted,god i hated that son of a bitch. there was a knock at the door.

Fiona walked over to the door and opened it,

"oh Jesus"she said opening it.

"we need to talk."steve said.

"no, we don't"

"what the fuck is he doing here"Lip raised his voice.

"i have no idea"Fiona shrugged.

"i thought you was married?"Lip asked Fiona.

"i am!"

"your married?!"me and Debbie asked.

"uh huh"

"what! to who?"Debbie asked.

"to gus"Lip answered for Fiona.

"this is my que to leave!"i said.

i looked over to Lip and mouthed "good luck" before leaving.
it had been another day with Ian missing. I've kept trying to call but still nothing, but voicemail.

"alright shithead, this is the 20th time i'm calling and your not picking up. i'm starting to get fucking homicidal, call me the fuck back Ian. I'm worried about you, I love you, call me back"i said while hanging up the phone trying to keep my tears from streaming down my face, Then Svetlana comes through.

"when i'm done selling this baby. I want my Yevgeny back in my bed to sleep where he belongs. In my bed or call the cops!"Svetlana argues.

"oh my fuc- you need to stop with the cops. no cops!" i said.

"yes cops! Yevgeny then cops!"she shouted while walking out.

i sat down and lighted a cigarette, thinking about what to do. obviously i didn't want Svetlana to call the cops and get Ian in trouble.
——1 hour later——
i wake up to the sound of knocking on my front door. I grabbed the gun which was beside me on the coffee table and went to the door.

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