chapter 1 part 8 : gun

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Me: hey Gallagher wanna sneak into the movies?

Ian: can't sorry.

mhm seemed weird, oh well. i sat on my bed tidying my bedroom and putting some spare clothes into a bag if i ever needed to say at the Gallaghers again, then i heard a knock.

It was Ian.

"hey , change your mind about that movie?"i asked.

"where's Mickey?"he asked.

"downstate picking up my dad from prison.. why?"i questioned.

He pushed passed me and ran inside "what the hell Ian"i shouted. He ran into Mandy's room and started looking around. "what are you doing?"i asked.

he then ran into Mickeys room, he starting messing shit up looking for something.

"Mickey will kill you" i said. he didn't bother to listen. he went in the draws and was throwing everything everywhere "what do you want?"i asked.

"IAN"i shouted. he finally looked up.

"he's still got the gun, and I'm not letting him get away with what he keeps doing to Kash"he said.

i walked over to him and pushed him away from the draws "just. go i'll put everything back"

"tell him it ends now, no more messing with Kash...and tell him i want the gun back tonight" he stated angrily. Then suddenly left. I didn't understand why he cared so much about Mickey stealing a few things. About half and hour later Ian was back and picked up a crowbar he found which was on the porch. I hear one of the doors open. must of been Mickeys.

"i want the gun back Mickey"Ian says.

"Gallagher?"Mickey questions.

"the gun"he said getting louder.

"alright"Mickey said while getting of his bed.

I walked into there bedroom and they were both fighting. Mickey was on top of Ian. "Mickey get of him"i said. He ignored me.

"The fuck of him Mickey!"i shouted, pointing the gun that Ian was after to his head. They both looked at me, they finally stopped fighting and Mickey got of him. I took the gun of Mickeys head and gave it to Ian.

"i told you not to come back here asshole"i said to Ian.

"i needed the gun"he exclaimed. Mickey got up and left. Ian kept coming closer.

"don't make me fight you Gallagher because i will, stop this shit with my brother"i said. My dad finally woke up, "shit"i muttered. Luckily he didn't see us and we left just in time.

"you wanna come back round mine?"he asked.

"yeah why not?"i replied.

Me and Ian got back , we sat on his bed talking about random stuff then Lip walks in, "finally got Liam to sleep so keep it down"he said.

"So you two serious now?"Lip asked looking at us.

"just best friends"he looked and me and smiled. yeah "best friends" that kiss each other. I don't understand why Ian said that, we're clearly more than friends aren't we?

"you staying tonight mads?"Ian asked.

"no i need to get back, sort things out. thanks tho" i smiled and left.

I woke up to Terry drunk of his nut again. Ian then turned up on my porch..

"Ian now is not a good time" i said looking over at my dad. He stood there out of breath like he had ran a marathon and he looked like he was about to burst into tears.

"i need to see you"he said in a shaky voice. "i don't know where else to go".

"i thought you was working today?"i asked.

"Linda's gonna have my ass i'm supposed to be there now"

"i will meet you there in 20 i promise, just let me deal with my dad" i replied. He turned around and ran down the steps of my porch. I've never seen Ian like that before.. what was wrong with him? it was playing on my mind ever since he left so i decided to ask Lip as i hope he'll know.

Me: everything okay with Ian?

Lip: not sure, are mom just came back trying to take Liam and something about Kash.

Me: oh shit sorry i didn't know ur mom was back, weird Ian hasn't said anything about Kash.

Lip: yeah good luck with that talk.

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