—2days later—
i was sat in my bedroom thinking about how imma kill that son of a bitch Sammi, soon my attention was cut of when i found a Polaroid picture which me and Ian had taken together, things were finally starting to get better..until 2 nights ago. but today was good, today we were visiting Ian.i quickly got ready and hurried to the Gallaghers house, it was empty only me and Debbie was home. "hey"she smiled as i walked in.
"hey, imma head upstairs you know, get somethings"i said smiling.
i heard the front door open from downstairs, must of been Fi.
"maddie!"Fi shouted from downstairs. I walked downstairs while putting on one of Ian's jackets.
"you ready? let's go."Fi said.
"what are we doing about Sammi?"i asked.
"she here?"Fi asked.
"mhm-mh"i nodded.
"thats how you know. she drinks our soda and leaves the caps off"Debbie added.
"Bitch is in the basement packing her shit right now to head upstate. her moving crate out front"i said.
"we can't just let her go!for Carls sake and Ian"Debbie reasoned.
the door then opened, it was sammi.
"excuse me, coming through"she said carrying a box into the kitchen.
i walked up to her "need a little help with that?"i asked faking a smile.
"no thanks!"
"u sure?"i said grabbing the box of her.
"yes i'm sure, you inbred hoodlum piece of wet dog shit..but if you have something to say, go ahead"she said while holding up a gun.
i stood there and laughed.
"i didn't think so, then excuse me while i go bust it my son, who thanks to all of you, is in juvie and will probably celebrate his 14th birthday there after that, i'll finish packing and then morning , i'll be gone. that work for you?"she said putting the gun into the box and barging past me.
"you bitch, your not excused"i said making her turn around.
she smiled maliciously.
"your messing with the wrong fucking girl here Sammi"i said pulling out a gun from my pocket.
"family sucks ass!"she shouted while leaving.
We all then got into the car and drove to the prison.
"hi, Fiona Gallagher here for Ian Gallagher"Fiona said to the officer.
"Ids"he said back, we all got are Ids out and quickly gave them to him.
"charming"Shawn said.
"bottom line, Sammi's a fuckin snitch, i know people who take that shit real serious"i said annoyed still.
"what do you mean?"Debbie asked.
"i mean, people who will slip that bitch a roofie strap her to a chair, and pull her fucking teeth out"
"whoa."she said.
"as much as i would like to, we're not torturing Sammi"Fiona said. A moped then drove right beside us it was Lip. Fiona then got out the car and started talking to Lip, until the officer came out and told her to get back into the vehicle, Lip then opened the car door and sat in with up next to Debbie.
"GI Joes not fucking around huh?"i said with sarcasm.
"man's got a rifle just want to point that out"Shawn said, He then drove us in and we was sat with Ian and two officers.

unique lovers<3
عاطفيةthis is a story about two lovers struggling with mental health, and came from a two family's with hatred for one another's. this is a Gallavich story, so it has the story line of shameless (if you haven't watched shameless you might not know some o...