Ian's POV:
"BREAKFAST"Fiona shouts.I wake up from hearing Fiona shouting us down for breakfast but Maddie hasn't woke up yet. I nudged her a little to see if she would still nothing. maybe she's feeling unwell. i got up and ready then headed downstairs for breakfast.
"no maddie?"Fiona asked concerned.
i shook my head and ate my breakfast, After i finished i packed my backpack for school i went to check on Maddie. she hardly moved.
"Mads?"i asked, tapping her.
I was joined with Fiona and Lip, "what's up with her?"Lip asked, i looked at him and shrugged. They then both left so it was just us to in the room. "hey get up" i said.
"go away"she whispered, finally spoken.
"u not feeling well?"i asked. she never said anything after it so i left for school. fuck i hope she's alright, all day i was thinking about her.
I got back home to see she was still in bed. She hadn't moved still. "you can't be still sleeping"i said, no reply.
"have you took something?"i asked.
"go away"she finally mumbled.
Lip then walked though the doorway "fucks wrong with her?"he asked.
"do you think it's depression or b..bipolar?"i asked, looking at Lip.
"mh how was she yesterday?"he asked.
"happy i don't know?"i replied back . he just nodded. shit what if she does really have it.
Madeline's POV:
"hey why don't you get in the shower , clean up you know?"Ian asked. i nodded. As i was about to get into the shower i heard Lip and Fiona talking to Ian, "she should go to a psych ward , it could be better for her"Fiona muttered. my heart shattered after hearing those words. i needed to leave. i got in the shower and left shortly after.
i walked in to cold until i got into the L and headed out of Chicago and into New York City. i don't regret it, yet. i watch out the window while my eyes are like streams of small rivers, i take out my headphones and opened Spotify to play some upbeat music, to hopefully lighten my mood. i get of the L and walk into the City of New York, i took a deep breath and looked around.
i walk up to a familiar house and knock , it takes a few knocks for them to answer.
"who are y-Madeline?"she says, i smiled.
i was at my auntie mayas. she opened her arms and gave me a big hug. i walked into the house. she didn't speak to her brother terry or any of my family really, she often speaks to only me and Mickey. "so what brings you here Madeline?"she questioned.
"c-could i stay here for a few days?"i asked. she nodded then asked why. i pretend like i didn't hear and walked into a spare bedroom me and Mickey used to say in when we visited.
it's been 48 hours since i left Chicago, my phones been non stop with messages and calls. i felt a sudden wave of guilt and gave in and called Ian. the phone was left ringing for 2 seconds until he answered. "Mads??"he asked in disbelief. i never replied i let a tear slowly roll down my cheek.
"are you okay?"he asked in shock that i called. i still didn't have the guts to reply to him. i took the phone away from my ear and ended it.
"shit"i whispered while throwing my phone across the room. shortly after i hear Mayas phone begin to ring. "Mickey?"i heard her say. shit, i've got to go.
i quickly packed up my belongings and grabbed my bag. i got to the door until it opened. It was Ian and Mandy, how'd they know where i was. they looked me in the eyes in shock. Ian ran over to me and pulled me in for a long tight hug.
"what's going on?"Maya says, seeing Ian and Mandy. I looked at her in disgust and disbelief,she ratted me out telling them where i was. i should of never came here. As much as i hated her for it i was happy to see Ian again.
"i'm so sorry i left"i cried into his shoulder. they shortly got me into the car with Lip and we drove back to Chicago, they started talking about how a psych ward and how it would be a good idea to help me "get better" i was fine? why do i need to get better, nothings changed about me? i tear rolled down my cheek.
i just agreed as they wouldn't stop going on about it.
2weeks later i'm out of the psych ward and now diagnosed with bipolar disorder. how? why? somethings just don't have answers. i didn't want Ian to think that i'm a piece of shit like his mom. i have been given medication to take , Olanzapine. Lithium. Aripiprazole , everyday for 40years. Ian didn't leave my sight and made sure i took all 3 of the pills. i didn't blame him after how his mom was.
The meds gave a awful effect like live wasn't worth living. Ian has been super worried about me and the whole situation about taking the meds.
the weather was starting to warm up again. And the day started of with Me , Ian and Lip running from the feds. "go go go"Lip shouts holding a briefcase as we ran though the door.
"when you said you had access to the building I thought you mean through a door" Ian shouted while running. "yep that's what i thought too"i replied tagging along.
"i may have fudged on that a bit"Lip shouted dodging a tree branch.
"hey!"one of the cops said.
"come on"Lip shouted running fasting down some stairs, they were packed with people, we shouted to move them out the way, instead of running we slid down the railings. It didn't help that Ian was in his full ROTC uniform.
"jesus, whatever happened to fat, donut eating cops? now there all triathletes" Lip shouted.
Me and Ian quickly jumped over the fence then lip quickly throw us over the briefcase "catch" Lip said. Jumping over the fence shortly after. "ditch it out at the street, yeah?" lip said as we now ran down an alleyway.
"wait wait wait, maybe they'll give up, Ian said jumping into the back of a truck, jumping up to the stairwell which didn't work. "shit"i muttered, while running though a doorway, the door led to a roof top, which we ran across until it ended with a large jump. "right there hold it!"1 cop said.
"no way West Point takes you with a felony conviction" Lip said to lan looking down to the rooftop. So Ian jumped off the edge and looked up at me "i got you"Ian said.
Lip nodded to say it will be okay and i jumped causing me to land badly on my ankle twisting it, Lip threw the briefcase down to us and we continued to run. "arug"i moaned as my ankle was in pain. Ian suddenly turned around quickly.
"you alright?"he asked.
"i think i twisted my ankle from that drop"i laughed. i gave him the briefcase and he put his arm around me supporting me walk, so i wasn't putting too much pressure against it. We finally got to the Gallaghers.
"u two run a marathon or something?"jimmy laughed.
"pretty much"Ian laughed looking over to me.
"do you think Lip made it from the cops?"I replied.
"the cops?"Fiona asked.
"um..yeah"Ian said clearly his throat, looking down to the briefcase. Fiona shook her head.

unique lovers<3
Storie d'amorethis is a story about two lovers struggling with mental health, and came from a two family's with hatred for one another's. this is a Gallavich story, so it has the story line of shameless (if you haven't watched shameless you might not know some o...