-2 years later-
"hey, u seen this?"my roommate asked pointing towards the tv.
"h-holy shit, is that?"i muttered, was that Ian..that's the first time i've seen his face after crossing the border, what was he doing..
"gay Jesus, huh?"i laughed while reading the tv screen. Ian had been sent to prison for being 'gay Jesus' and starting large protests in the street, something like that. what's a better thing to do then surprise him, god this made me realise how much i missed him.
i quickly packed all my stuff into my suitcase and grabbed my keys opening my car.
i drove to one of the prisons in Chicago hoping Ian was here, i got to the front desk and she gave me a 'visitor' tag and followed me in.
i sat down and waited for Ian, this was different to juvie you was actually allowed to be outside with them.
"h-holy fuck."he muttered under his breath as his eyes caught mine. he looked so different he had died his hair black, he looked a lot taller and older.
i watched as a tear was let out from his eye, i quickly got up and put all my body weight into this hug, he immediately hugged me back tightly.
"how is everyone?"i asked him, pulling away from the hug, revealing my big smile.
"yeah, um yeah good"he nodded wiping tears away, still in shock.
"so gay jesus huh?"i laughed.
another 12 months has past , every time i visited Ian he looked some what different, he had a buzz cut as someone had lic, then it started growing back, he got a tattoo! and also a lot of stuff happened with the Gallaghers, Fiona has moved! Lip has a baby, and Debbie had given birth too.today was going to be a great day. it was the day Ian was getting released. i went over to the Gallaghers after being down at the party shop getting banners and balloons. we arranged that Lip was going to pick Ian up while all of us waited.
We heard the door open, we all waited till he actually walked into the living room.
"SURPRISE!"we all jumped out making Ian laugh, he firstly went over to Carl and Debbie hugging him while i secretly popped the party cannon filled with confetti over all there heads. They all let go of the hug then Ian turned facing me, "god i missed you"he laughed picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist, he kissed me softly after hugging me.
"welcome home Ian"i smiled.
we both walked up the stairs looking around seeing how much things changed, one of the doors suddenly open as Ian was stood in front of it, making us both jump a little. Must of been Lips girlfriend.
"oh shit! Jesus!"she jumped while holding a baby.
"your Ian, hi!"she pointed, ignoring my presence.
"hi, that's Freddie? hii i'm uncle Ian"Ian said softly touching the baby.
"look hey i'm covered on baby barf, i swear this baby hates me, is it okay if we do the whole meet and greet thing later"she said while walking in the bathroom.
"uh yah totally"Ian said shutting the door for her.
i looked over at him, he looked a bit disappointed.
"hey, what's up?"i asked, sitting down next to him.
"uh, nothing. do you ever think we'll ever be parents one day?"he asked.
"i mean i guess, i'm not sure? would you want to be?"i asked.
"yeah"he laughed, i rested my head on his shoulder passing him a already opened beer which was next to me.
the next couple of days were average, Ian had gotten a job and we was sat on the step talking."how'd it go with the patrol officer?"i asked him, sitting down on the stairs.
"total shit show"he sighed.
"i have a way to make you feel better, just hang on"i smirked walking up the stairs, grabbing cans of beers and some weed. I took us to the high school bleachers as we always used to go here.
we shotgun a few but none the less i got super wasted, it was great having Ian back. i got even more clumsier while drunk and high so i ended up scraping half my cheek of!
"oww f-fffuck"i laughed getting up of the floor.
Ian watched and laughed, i don't think he was even drunk at this point. he had to be 'good' as he patrol officer would go nuts, maybe sent him back.
"okayy, we're going home"Ian said walking over to me, carrying me over his shoulder back home.
"put me downnnn"i laughed.
he finally put me down on the kitchen counter, Ian washing away some of the blood from my cut.
"ow, careful"i moaned.
"you should be more careful next time mads"he said. i began to mock his words while pulling him in for a kiss. the kiss suddenly stopped as the front door swans open.
"GALLAGHER!"a women shouted, while holding a gun. Ian helped me of the counter and walked over to the lady with his arm around me.
"Madeline Milkovich?"the lady questioned.
"Paula heyy"Ian said awkwardly.
"you Milkovichs are legendary!"
i stood the awkwardly not wanting to say anything that could stuff Ian up.
"You! Heard about your little mother Theresa stunt today let's go for a ride"Paula said talking to Ian.
"wait, hold u-"i said being cut of by Ian, who just awkwardly smiled at her before walking out.
sorryyy this part isn't very long!!

unique lovers<3
Romancethis is a story about two lovers struggling with mental health, and came from a two family's with hatred for one another's. this is a Gallavich story, so it has the story line of shameless (if you haven't watched shameless you might not know some o...