when I got back from work I went back to my bedroom to check on Ian and there he was still in bed. What's up with him?
"yo it's after 5.00 you trying to set some sort of record" I said walking in.
"your not still sleeping get up" I said while throwing a pillow at him.
"leave me alone" Ian mumbled.
"Ian are you high, did you take something" I asked.
"go away" he just said back
"okay you want me to call the club at least and tell them-"
"Jesus leave me alone" Ian then shouted cutting me off. then mickey walked into the doorway
"fucks wrong with him" I said to him,but mickey just shook his head then walked off so I just shut the bedroom door and left him there as he wasn't talking. I decided I should go tell the Gallaghers and see if they know what's going off with him. I went and knocked on there door and carl answered.
"hey is lip here" I asked him
"No he is still at collage" carl answered
"shit" I sighed
"why is something wrong" carl asked
"well you might want to come over to mine and see if you can answer that question" I said
Debbie and carl got their coats on and then we walked to mine so they could see if they could try and talk to Ian.
"so what's up with him" Debbie asked me as we walked and I carried Liam.
"well he was fine until this morning when he wouldn't get out of bed but I figured he was just tired so I just left him and went to work but then when I got back earlier he was still in bed"I explained to them.
"and he has just been ignoring you when you told him to get up" carl said and I nodded.
when we got to mine I passed Liam to mickey and opened my bedroom door and carl and Debbie stood looking at him.
"Ian" Debbie said "Ian you alright"
but he just ignored her like he did to me.
"Ian it's Debbie"
"go away" Ian just quietly mumbled back.
"Ian?" Debbie tried again but she had no luck
"do you know what this is" I asked her
"yeah we know what this is" she said turning to
me, then carl and Debbie both exchanged sad looks. i didn't quite understand but i didn't bother to ask just yet."hey come on let's get Liam back home"I said to said to them walking out of my bedroom. the next morning i heard knocking on the door and when I answered it Debbie had came back with Fiona.
"hey maddie, Debbie and carl told be about Ian" Fiona said.
then we all went back to my room while Fiona tried to talk to Ian, she sat on the bed next to him
"hey I could make you a sandwich or I could get my sneakers from the house and we got go for a run at the track" she said to him "you want go for a run get some fresh air"
me and Mickey stood in the doorway and just watched while lan continued to ignore her, i was starting to get even more worried.
"okay okay" Fiona finally said getting up and leaving him , then walking towards us to get to the kitchen and says,
"how long as he been like that" she asked me.
"since yesterday morning" I replied.
"and he hasn't gotten out of bed"

unique lovers<3
Romancethis is a story about two lovers struggling with mental health, and came from a two family's with hatred for one another's. this is a Gallavich story, so it has the story line of shameless (if you haven't watched shameless you might not know some o...