it was finally summer.
i was sat on the end of Ian's bed and i saw something sticking out for his backpack so i picked it up. I looked at it in disbelief, and walked into the bathroom pulling the shower curtain to reveal Ian.
"what the hell is this?"i asked angrily.
"fuck mads"he said confused. he looked at what was it my hand "it's an admissions packet."he replied.
"for west point?"i asked.
"going thought my stuff now?"he asked.
"Ian you just graduated 10th grade"i said, watching him get out the shower.
"i wanted to see what it takes to get in."he said wrapping the towel around this body.
"To west point? your kidding. your serious about this shit?"i asked in disbelief.
"i was in ROTC for two years. What do you think Madeline?"he said sarcastically.
"i don't know i thought it was some kind of stupid fucked up adolescent phase."i said.
"don't worry, it was really discouraging"he said while sitting down. "if need like a four point two GPA, a massive SAT score and a recommendation from the president or some shit , only thing i know i can pass is the fitness test" he said looking disappointed.
"so what, the army requires straight As now to get your leg blown off in Kabul?"i asked.
i paused before saying some shit i would regret.
"you really want this shit?"i asked.
"yes"he replied looking down.
i looked down at the paper and thought, as much as i didn't want him to do it who am i to stop him.
"alright then fuck it, let's make it happen"i said.
he looked up and me "yeah?"he questioned.
Later on me and Ian walked down to work together, ever since we and Ian got together Kash has been hooking up with some random man who comes in the shop everyday and gets me and Ian to cover for him. Today was different though. Kash is leaving Linda and his kids behind to be with that strange man.
Also , Mickey was finally getting out of Juvie, i was exited to finally see him like properly. Me and Ian hurried to get to him before he was let out.
"here he comes."i said as we both watched him walk down the stairs. "you know you didn't have to come with me."i said looking at Ian.
"Bad neighbour"he replied.
"we live in a bad neighbourhood."
"yeah but we're related to the bed people in our neighbourhood"he replied.
"what the hells he doing here?"Mickey said looking over at Ian.
"he fought i need protection"i said smiling.
"oh yeah? you may think you know my sister.but you don't know my sister u til you've fought my sister, she's protecting your ass"Mickey said hugging me.
"you smell like barbecue sauce"i said letting go of the hug.
"smell like what?"he said.
"Hey what did dad tell you?"i shouted, pulling his hair.
"ow!fuck the police?"he replied.
"no titty twisters now that i'm a C cup"i said, pushing him of me.
"C cup? Bitch, you wish."he said holding his hair from where i pulled it. Ian stood there smirking.
"Hey. Fuck you, Fuck you, and especially fuck you."Mickey shouted pointing at the officers, before flipping them all of.
"All right. Jesus. let's get you out of here before they throw you back in"Ian said as he pulled Mickey along with us. After Mickey being out of Juvie he got a job at 'kash n grab' as a security as a part of his probation. Ian was on the register i was stocking shelves and Mickey was are new security making sure no one stole any candy bars.
Me and Ian walked to one of the school fields after work with some beers and shotguned a few, it was a fun time, we spent it laughing and talking.
"i love spending time with you"i looked over at him and smiled.
he smiled back at me, and we walked back to the Gallaghers house to find them talking about how Liam needs to move rooms, then a pregnant woman walks down the stairs. never a dull moment at the Gallaghers can i say.
Later on Me , Lip and Ian were sat talking about Karen's new boyfriend, i don't understand why Lip cared so much , Karen was a bitch i never have liked her and the way she is with Lip.
"is it even possible for a guy name jody not to be a douchebag" he said to us
"you ever thought about calling him choady" I replied chuckling.
The boys went upstairs to get showered until u heard shouting and banging.
"she put my dick in her mouth because you asked her to" Ian shouted.
"what the fuck did u just say" I said pushing lan away from Lip, looking at them both in disgust.
"nothing we were, just talking about Karen."
"you let Karen Jackson give you a blow job" I shouted.
"no, I Mean yes but it was a long time ago mads don't worry"he reassured me.
"yeah not that long ago though" lip added with an evil smirk.
"shut the fuck up" Ian shouted back at him.
"before we were together" I asked
"yes" Ian replied.
"good. now stop fucking fighting it's annoying" i said while leaving the room.
"hey who wants to go in the pool" lip exclaimed standing up.Carl and Debbie heard and ran straight outside.
"pool?" Ian said turing to me and I smiled while nodding
Kev and V also came over to go into the pool and it was great, we played many games together.
when it got dark and little cooler outside everyone went back inside, and showered.
Me and Ian went up to his room and sat on his bed, it had been a good day, i feel at home with the Gallaghers. Me and Ian cuddled up and fell asleep in eachothers arms.

unique lovers<3
Romancethis is a story about two lovers struggling with mental health, and came from a two family's with hatred for one another's. this is a Gallavich story, so it has the story line of shameless (if you haven't watched shameless you might not know some o...