Chapter 26. Anything Else?

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He's gone. Optimus was gone.
His spark was extinguished.
And I had lost control.
Ratchet had to come and get me away from the scene because I had been crying my heart out on his chest and because Megatron had been close enough to get me.
Right now, I was crying in Sams arms as he tried his best to comfort me in the lab.
"Y/n.. it will be okay." Sam whispered, gently rubbing my back as I sobbed.
"NO! IT WONT BE OKAY! OPTIMUS IS GONE! HES NOT COMING BACK!!" I yelled into Sams shoulder.
I could tell that this hurt Sam too, but it hurt me more. Fuck that stupid bitch Megatron.
"H-he was just here hours ago.. now h-he's gone..! What am I gonna d-do without him.."
I cried, gaining a grip on Sams shirt.
Sam couldn't say anything. He knew I was right in this moment.
He wasn't coming back.
He's gone.

Optimus was gone.


I marched into my constructive room and tapped the button on the suit Optimus made me, keeping my finger on it for fifteen seconds until it patched onto my body.
I opened up the panel on my arm and unblocked Megatrons number, pressing it and calling it.
The little microphone appeared just above my shoulder as he picked up.

Megatron: Glad to hear your voice again, dear Y/n. How are you taking your precious loss?

You: You stupid son of a bitch! How could you have done that?! He was your brother, your friend! Even if that's all in the past, what is wrong with you?!

Megatron: Woah, calm down sweetheart. What had to be done, had to be done. He was getting in the way of my plans, So I had to extinguish his spark. Simple as that.

You: I fucking hate you! I thought I loved you but no! Your just a selfish, ignorant, immature, and most of all, a no good, self centered, MORON! I wish I had never met you. Or even kissed you.

Megatron: Wait- You love-

You: YES, I did! But guess what? Not anymore! Turns out, I love OPTIMUS more!! Go and suck on Starscreams small cock why don'tcha?!

Megatron: Y/-

I had hung up the call and taken off the suit, it putting itself back on the rack as I walked out of the room.
"Y/n, are you alright.? I know this is hard.." Ratchet softly said to me, putting his hand down for me to get on. Though I waved it away.
"I.. I'm fine. Im going to get some fresh air. I will be back in a bit.." I said, walking out of my lab.
I got into my car and drove away from NEST, heading into the city.
I needed to get a new IPhone, so I stopped at an Apple Store to buy one.
After I had done that, I went out to get food and snacks, then went back to NEST.
But when I got there, oh my god.. I was not expecting what was there.

It was Megatrons black Lamborghini.
Sitting outside in the shade.
Waiting for me.
I pulled into NEST and got out of my car. marching to him, I kicked the side of his car.
"What the fuck do you want?!" I shouted at him. His cars lights turned on and his horn honked a few times, telling me to get in.
I sighed and put my hand over my face, pinching the bridge of my nose.
"Give me a second.." I groaned, turning around and walking into my NEST lab.
I walked passed Ratchet and the other Autobots to my desk and placed down my stuff, taking out the new phone and phone case.
I walked back out to Megatron and he was still in his alt form.
The passengers door opened and I got in.
"Y/n, about what you said earlier-"
"Shut up, I don't want to talk about it. Talk about literally anything else." I interrupted, taking my new phone out and putting the case on it.
Megatron drove off with me and I could feel that he really wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.
While I set up my phone, i felt Megatrons holoform underneath me again, telling me I was now on his lap. Again..
I felt his large hands wrap around my waist and I set my phone down on my lap, prying his hands off of me.
"Megatron.. no." I muttered, setting his hands back down at his sides.
"Y/n, yes." Megatron grabbed my hands and twined our fingers together, not letting go.
He rested his chin on my shoulder and I could feel his warm breaths on my neck.
I stayed silent as he did so, looking down into my lap.
"Y/n, I didn't like your tone of voice over the phone.." Megatron murmured, his voice stern.
"I don't care what you think. It's what you deserve." I said, trying to get my hands free from his.
"Quit with the attitude." Megatron demanded, squeezing my hands.
"Shut up... I don't want to hear it." I groaned.
Megatron huffed, his breath lending me shivers.
"Are you looking for a consequence? Cause I'll give one to you." Megatrons left hand let go of mine and moved up to my chin, tilting my head back to face him.
"What're you gonna do? Kill me too?" I replied snarkily.
Megatron stayed silent for a moment.
His hand let go of mine and moved to my thigh, giving it gentle squeezes.
"S-stop that.." I mumbled, shutting my eyes.
Megatron seemed amused by my reaction to that, and continued to do it, now including both hands on each thigh.
"Megatron." I stated, leaning back into him.
He chuckled, moving his hands to my inner thighs.
"Yes.. say my name.." Megatron murmured into my ear, hoping to get a rise out of me.
And it did. My body turned hot and I felt as if my face had just been heated up by an oven.
Megatron laughed and moved my phone off to the side.
He then grabbed at my thighs and spread them apart, slowly beginning to pull down my pants and undergarments.
"W-wait! Megatron!" I yelped as I put my hands on his to stop him.
"I-I can't do this to Optimus.. if he were still here.. I can't do this to the Autobots either.."
I muttered, thinking about the bots.
"But he's gone.. and it will be our little secret. If that's how you wish it be~" Megatron flirted, his hands gently massaging my thighs.
I sighed and thought about it for a few moments until I nodded my head, allowing him access to my body.
His hands slowly slid down my undergarments.
I let out a little whimper of pleasure as he pressed his cold fingers to my clit, softly circling it.
"M-Megatron..!" I mumbled, making Megatron smirk.
"Yes.. tell me what you want dear Y/n. Use your words~" Megatron teased, his fingers just about to slide into me.
"Please,.. put them inside of me already...!"

End of Chapter Twenty-Six.

Ikr.. what a way to end a chapter.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Stay tuned~

Words: 1220

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