Chapter 13. Falling Asleep

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Optimus pov.

"What a fool you are. For a prime, I'd think that you'd actually use your head." Barricade said, a small chuckle following as I punched him, knocking him over.
"Explain." I demanded, putting my sword to his throat.
"You let that girl go. It was Megatrons plan to go after her once you told her to run! You Autobots are too predictable!" Barricade laughed, leaning his head back.
"And she's probably with him now. I don't know his plan, maybe he wants to kill her. Or turn her against you Autobots. Maybe even use her as his slave. But unlike you, Megatron is unpredictable!" Barricade made himself laugh even more. I grew angry and moved the sword so it's was against his metal, just scraping it.
Barricades laughter stopped and he seemed terrified for his life.
"Your going to tell me everything you know or I promise I will lodge this sword into your spark." I threatened him.
"Not. A. Chance." Barricade chuckled.
And I did as promised.

The Autobots had only just arrived to the scene as I dropped my sword.
"What happened?! Where's Y/n?!" Ratchet asked, his tone serious.
I let out a load battle cry and groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose.
"They took her. Again! How could I be so stupid!" I swore under my breath.
"Your not stupid, Optimus. Your spark is too big for her." Ironhide said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"You thought about what would happen to her. Not for what was best for her. We will get her back." Bumblebee looked up at me. He sounded determined, which put high hopes in my spark.
"She ran that way. Let's go." I pointed to her direction and started to run that way along with my Autobots.

Your pov.

Me and Megatron had been driving for quite some time. It was probably about 2 in the morning and I was ready to completely fall asleep. But, I didn't want to. What if Megatron did something to me while nocturnal? I couldn't risk it. So I hardly stayed awake, looking out the window of his lambo.
I yawned, covering my mouth.
I felt the seats heat up, and it recoil backwards a little. It was comfortable, but I knew Megatron was up to something.
"What are you doing?" I asked him, sitting up.
"Your tired, aren't you? Humans don't normally stay up this late unless they've got some sort of problem with their mental health." Megatron stated.
"Well I've got PTSD and anxiety attacks when nervous or scared. And for your information, I'm scared that your gonna do something to me in my sleep so I refuse to fall unconscious in your presence." I sassed, pulling my knees to my chest.
"And how do I know that your not going to do anything to me? Your offering me probably a comfortable and warm rest but how do I know that's not just to lure me into sleep so you can inject me with some sort of drug? Or worse?"
Megatron stayed silent until I heard a sigh.
"I don't plan to do anything with you. Your only here to lure the Autobots in for me. Mostly Prime. But, it's your call if you do not wish to get some rest." Megatron explained. I didn't believe him at first, but what's he going to do with a human girl? There's not many good options. And mind controlling me is something he's already used. It was effective but not effective enough.
I leaned back and stretched myself out. Not to sleep, but to at least get comfortable. I looked out the window and looked up at the stars in the sky as we drove.
The seats warmed even more and it made it harder for me not to fall asleep. I kept drifting off but then awakening, only to drift off again.
Megatron seemed to watch over my mental and physical state as I finally fell asleep on the warm seat.
Why would such a small, useless human girl be of Primes interest? Surely he hasen't gone soft and taken a liking to her. Has he?
Megatron thought, speeding along the empty highway.
Surely I'm not taking a liking to her. Humans are disgusting, pitiful creatures that live a limited amount of years, only to die a miserable life of labor.
Megatron thought for a second.

But why is she so different?


Opening my eyes, I looked around to see a unrecognizable room.
Where the fuck am I. I thought to myself, sitting up.
I heard loud thumps to my side and looked over, only to see the bigger form of Megatron.
"Where the hell am I?" I asked him, standing up. But I immediately fell back down once my legs had started to wobble a little.
"Relax. The muscles in your legs have been weakened so you don't escape. But do not fear, you will walk again once it wears off." Megatron gently picked me up and held me in his hand.
"So you did do something to me in my sleep! Ugh.. how stupid was I to even begin to believe your giant ass." I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose. I could still move my legs, I just couldn't walk with them.
"Watch it. I could crush you in a second, Y/n."
Megatron threatened. I scoffed and brought my knees to my chest.
"But, you won't. Why do I have to be here? Why can't you just kidnap someone else?" I asked Megatron, looking up at him.
"Because, Prime seems to have some sort of attachment to you. And if I could get a hold of you, I can get a hold of Prime." Megatron explained, keeping his eyes locked forward.
"What? Optimus has an.. attachment to me? How so?" I cocked an eyebrow.
"I've been watching you for a while. He dreads the day that he might have to lose you forever. Meanwhile, I await that day." Megatron exclaimed. What does he mean by that? Optimus dreads the day he might have to lose me? I questioned myself.
Megatron walked into a room full of screens and set me down on a desk.
"What is all of this?" I asked him. Megatron groaned.
"You ask a lot of questions don't you?" He asked me, looking down at me with an annoyed face. "Yes. When I've been kidnapped by someone I don't particularly like I tend to ask a lot of questions. How about you?" Megatron laughed at my words, typing something into the screen.
"Well, I've not been foolish enough to get kidnapped. How about you?" Megatron devilishly smirked and I scoffed, punching his hand but only hurting myself in the end.
He chuckled at me as I waved my hand around and held it to ease the pain I had just brought upon myself.
"Oh yeah, you might not be foolish, but you sure are a man-child that can't do things for himself and needs assistance from his own slaves." I sassed, making Megatron look down at me with his menacing red eyes.
"What? Can't hide the fact that I'm right?" I chuckled, making Megatron even more mad.

End of Chapter Thirteen.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Stay tuned~

Words: 1219

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