Chapter 4. Marked by Starscream

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I had brought the Autobots to NEST and we had prepared for our search for the so called
Allspark. Apparently the Autobots want to find the AllSpark so they can use it to rebuild their home world Cybertron and end the war. While their enemies, the Decepticons want to use it to defeat the Autobots and take over the universe.
It all was a lot to take in once Optimus had explained it to me but, we had a plan.
If Optimus couldn't beat Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, then I would have to stick the Allspark into Optimuses chest, killing him and destroying the Allspark.
I had little arguement over the fact that if it happened, I would've killed Optimus but he insisted I do so. To protect the earth.
He had promised me he would protect me till that moment came. And if I didn't kill him, he would protect me from then on.

Right now, we were on our way to the location after Optimus had found the location of the Allspark through me and Sam's great-great-grandfathers glasses.
At the moment, I had to deal with strong emotions and fluent in having strong anxiety attacks due to me not having my medication with me. Due to that, the thought ran through my mind that I may never see Sam again.

"Do you think Sam is okay?" I asked Optimus, my knees pressed up against my chest as I sat in the passenger seat of his alt form.
"Yes, he should be fine Y/n. There is no need to worry." Optimus replied.
I took a breath and leaned back into the comfort of his seats, my body's tension easing by a little.
"Your heart rate is extremely fast. Y/n, I promise that Sam will be alright. You will see him again." Suddenly, a hologram of Optimus
but more human-like, formed itself beside me.
I was pulled to him, my sides leaning against him.
"It will be alright Y/n. Calm down.."
Optimuses voice soothed me a little, easing the tension my body held.
"I trust that you won't faint on me again." Optimus rubbed my back as I chuckled.
He let out a small laugh as well. But the next thing we knew, the Decepticons were on the highways with us.
"Y/n, I want you to hold on tight." Optimus stated, his hologram form disappearing.
"Okay. Wait WH-" before I could even finish my sentence, I was tossed up into the air.

Then, a giant hand caught me, pressing me against their chest. I didn't even have time to open my eyes during the process. "No!" I heard Optimus yell. Then I looked up and realized.
Optimus wasn't the one that had caught me.
It was a Decepticon.
I covered my mouth with both my hands in terror. "Optimus!" I yelled, trying to get out of the Decepticons grasp.
When I made eye contact with Optimuses blue orbs, that's when I realized just how angry he was at the fact that I wasn't with him.
The Decepticon that had me started to laugh.
"Lord Megatron will be pleased with this." It stated, clutching onto me a little tighter. I winced, tightly shutting my eyes.
"You let her go!" Optimus yelled in anger, attempting to fight off the Decepticon.
"Not a chance, Prime." It said, transforming into a jet and taking off with me.
I was buckled into a seat and tightly pulled back to not escape.

Then, the Decepticons hologram form flashed in front of me. It grabbed ahold of my face and made me face it, chuckling.
"Your a pretty one.. Y/n." It said, turning my face side to side as to get a good look at it.
"Who are you? How do you know my name?!"
I freaked out, on the edge of tears.
"My name is Starscream. I am Lord Megatrons Air commander. How I know your name is something I cannot tell you." The Decepticon, now known as Starscream, said.
"What do you want from me?"
"I don't want anything from you. I'm not the one who wants you." Starscream got a little closer to my face, taking in every detail.
"Who is?" My voice seemed a little more fearful than before, knowing I was wanted by someone I had never met.
Starscream let out another chuckle, only this one was deeper and scarier. It chilled me to the bone. "Aren't you a curious one. You'll find out soon. But for now, I guess I get to play with you for a while."
Starscream smirked at me.
The belt that held me in place had let go and I was forcefully pulled to Starscreams chest.
He moved his face to my neck and kissed it, leaving an extreme burning feel on the spot he had kissed.

"Now, Y/n. Your head is going to feel dizzy when I do this and your likely going to pass out. Do not panic. I'm only going to get into your head." Starscream laughed.
I struggled as he held my body still, his hand waiting to come in contact with my head.
Once it did, his palm rested on my forehead and my vision started to blur. I could only hear these words.
"When you wake up, your going to try and kill Optimus Prime. Do not listen to a single thing he, your brother, or the Autobots have to say.
Try as hard as you can to keep them from getting the Allspark. Even if it kills you."
Those words stuck to my mind like glue.
My head ached and I became dizzy before completely loosing consciousness.
My body was caught by Starscream and was placed back on the seat I had originally been on.
"The plan is all coming together, Lord Megatron."


"Prime. Bumblebee just radioed in and he's got the Allspark. Their headed to Mission city.
Where's Y/n?" Ratchet asked Optimus as the Autobots began to drive faster. Optimus let out a deep sigh, obviously pissed.
"She was taken. By Starscream. I couldn't protect her." Optimus stated. He promised to keep her safe and now she was in the hands of the enemy. What a fool he was.

End of Chapter Four.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Stay tuned~


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