Chapter 29. Patch up

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We had just arrived back at NEST.
Because of the ride home and how soaking wet we all were, the Autobots dried off as the wind hit them as they drove.
As for me, Optimus let me hang out of his window to let my clothes and body dry.
I just walked out of my constructive room and into the open space of my lab, collapsing on one of the couches we had.
"I am soooo tired.." I yawned, covering my mouth with my hand.
Optimus walked over to me and picked me up, sat on the couch, and then place me back down on top of him. If I'm being honest,
I felt like a ragdoll.
Optimus was leaning back on the armrest and had his arms around me as my back pressed up against his chest.
"I could fall asleep like this.." I murmured.
Optimus chuckled and started to play with strands of my hair, making me doze off.
Megatron stumbled along us and got on top of me, laying his head on my chest.
"I will fall asleep like this." Megatron chuckled, sneaking his hands under my shirt and wrapping his hands around my waist.
Optimus seemed a little puzzled at Megatrons affection towards me.

But, sharing is caring, right?


"Ugh..." I groaned, sitting up. But I was weighed back down by a giant hand.
"Stay down.." Megatrons voice loomed, his morning voice a deep tone.
He had moved closer to me and now had his face resting in my neck.
"Fuck.. wait, I think I'm bleeding again.." I muttered.
"Optimus." I said to him. But he was still asleep.
"Optimus!" I repeated, finally getting a rise out of him.
"Yes, Y/n?" He responded groggily.
"I think I'm bleeding again but Megatron is on top of me. Can you help me?"
I asked him, trying to sit up. He nodded his head and carefully leaned upwards, trying his best not to put me in more pain than I already am. He lifted Megatrons now asleep body off of me and I was finally able to get up.
My shirt was soaked in blood and when I checked my bandages, they were also soaked in blood.
"Shit.. umm.. you might want to wake Megatron up because he's probably got my blood all over him." I explained, pointing to him.
Optimus nodded his head as I walked away, hoping to find Ratchet.
I seen him playing checkers with Ironhide and I ran to him, holding my stomach.
"Ratchet! A little help here please?" I called out to him. I was slowly becoming dizzy from the amount of blood I was slowly loosing.
Once Ratchet seen me, his holoform activated immediately and caught me from falling.
"Primus, you scared me." Ratchet said, rushing me towards the Medical room.

"Hah, sorry.." I murmured as he set me down on the medical bed, lifting my shirt up to show my stomachs bloody bandages.
Before he did anything, he hooked me up to life support to help with the blood loss.
Then he very gently began to remove my bandages and clean up my bloodied wounds.
Optimus and Megatron then bursted through the door after they had found out what happened from Ironhide.
"Is she okay? Is she awake?" Optimus asked Ratchet as he searched for answers to his questions.
"She will be fine, she just needs new bandages and her wounds cleaned again." Ratchet responded, mostly focused on cleaning my cuts.
Megatron stood in silence as he seen me.
What happened to me?
How did those cuts show up on my stomach?
Was I okay?
Did he do that when he was laying on top of her?
Megatron walked towards me and put his hand on mine, feeling me squeeze it. He felt relief knowing I was still conscious.
"Guys, I'll be okay." I assured them, opening my eyes and looking up at them.
"Are you sure? Did I do those when I was laying on you? I'm so sorry.." Megatron apologized, getting down on his knees to my height.
I looked at Optimus with a worried look and he looked at me the same way.
I could tell he was asking me if he could tell Megatron what had happened and I nodded my head, allowing him to do so.
"Megatron. Can I speak with you outside?"
Optimus asked him.
Megatron got up and followed him out.

"Ouch!" I yelped as I felt a stinging pain.
"Sorry, I might have gotten a little distracted."
Ratchet apologized, still focused on healing up my wounds.
I side eyed him with a snarky look on my face.
He took notice but didn't do anything.
"There. All done. Now just to bandage it and it will be as good as new." Ratchet said, sitting up from his arched position.
"Can I sit up now?" I asked him, turning my head to face him. He chuckled.
"Yes, yes you can." I sat up.
He grabbed bandages and turned to me, getting down on one knee and unraveling one of the bandages.
"Stay still." He stated.
I stopped breathing so my stomach wouldn't move and he took notice, looking up at me with a slight grin.
"I said stay still not stop breathing!" He said, raising his voice a little.
I laughed a little but soon after held my stomach and winced.
"Serves you right." Ratchet muttered under his breath, a shit eating smirk forming on his face.
"Hey! You'd better watch your mouth or I'll knee you in the chin!" I glared at him, making him look up at me by putting my knee under his chin and tilting his head up.
Ratchet got up and towered over me, making me feel a little small but I sat up straight.
"Y/n. It would do you best if you'd let me patch you up. I mean, I don't have to. I could just leave you to bleed out again if you'd like!" Ratchet said, his voice deepening and sounding a little more stricter.
My eyes showed fear and I leaned back a little, nodding my head.
"Good. Now sit still."

End of Chapter Twenty-Nine.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Stay tuned~

Words: 1040

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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