Chapter 11. Sunsets

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(Ik barricade probably died in the first movie, but right now, he dies in the next few chapters.)

He can't just technically make out with me and then just leave me!! I thought, exiting the meeting room. I walked down the halls of my lab with my hand on my chin, thinking about what had just went down.
I mumbled swears underneath my breath as I walked, being flustered and frustrated at the same time.
This ALIEN just made out with me and he thinks he can just disappear like it was nothing?!?  I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, entering my lab.
I made it to my constructive room unnoticed by the bots and sat down, massaging my temples with two fingers.
I propped my legs up on my desk and took out my phone. 
I began to scroll through stuff and watch videos that kept me entertained until I decided to get up and do something.
I stood up and exited the room.
"I'm going out." I said to Optimus who was sitting with the rest of the bots.
"Where?" He asked, looking over at me.
"I don't know. Be back later!" I yelled before exiting the room.
As I walked away from the door, I heard it open again and then quick footsteps come my way.
"What do you want." I sassed, continuing to look forward.
"I'd like to know where your going." Optimus
Put a hand on my shoulder and turned me around to face him.
His metal hand was cold.
"I already told you, I don't know." I refused to make eye contact with Optimus and he seemed to not like that.
"Would you like to drive with me? That way I know where you are if anything happens?"
Optimus moved a strand of hair behind my ears. "Fine."


And now, here we are. On the road.
It was getting a little late and the sun was about to set.
I had no idea where Optimus was taking me.
Until we pulled into a field. I looked out the window and seen it had a cliff.
Once we got close enough, Optimus stopped the truck and his hologram appeared in the drivers seat. We both got out and my eyes widened at the view.
"Beautiful, isn't it." Optimus stated, walking over to me. I gave a "hm" as an answer and sat down on the grass, pulling my knees to my chest. I didn't feel like talking to Optimus after the stunt he pulled.
He sat down beside me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I swiped it off and I could feel his eyes on me.
"What's wrong, Y/n?" Optimus innocently asked, turning his body to face me.
I stayed silent, resting my chin on my knees.
"You can't just kiss someone like that, and then leave them.." I muttered.
"You did the same to me." Optimus replied.
"But that was only a simple kiss on the cheek. And I understand I was teasing you but you don't just make out with someone and then leave them in the dust.." I kept my eyes focused in front of me as to not make eye contact with Optimus.
He seemed to understand what I was saying.
"Your right. I did go a little far. I'm sorry, Y/n."
Optimus nudged himself a little closer to me, pulling me to him.
I immediately relaxed in his grasp. I don't exactly know why, but every time he hugs me or even touches me, I can relax and let everything go. It's like he cast a spell on me that lasts forever.
"I'm sorry too. It probably wasn't my brightest idea to tease you either." I chuckled at my foolishness, looking up at Optimus with a relaxed face and a small smile.
Optimus smiled and wrapped his arm around me, his thumb tracing lines on my arm.

I looked from Optimus to the sunset, watching as it slowly went down and disappeared.
I yawned, covering my mouth and pushed myself into Optimus more, resting my arms around him and closing my eyes.
"Tired are we?" He asked, looking down a me. I gave a simple nod as response.
I felt Optimus moving me, getting a hold on my body to put me in a more comfortable position.
He picked me up and held me bridal position, making sure I was comfy.
I wrapped me arms around his neck and leaned my head against his chest, closing my eyes again.
Optimus moved his hand to my head, giving it a gentle pat before running his fingers through my hair.
He liked the feeling of my soft hair running through his cold metal fingers.
But when I had actually fallen asleep on him, he seemed to not notice.
He continued to run his fingers through my hair until he looked at my face, realizing I had fallen asleep.
He gave a quiet chuckle and got up, holding me close to him and walking back to his alt form.
Optimus put me in the passenger seat and his hologram disappeared. His alt form started up and we began to drive off in the night.


"Autobots, we are being followed."

Optimus said into his intercom. I was still asleep and didn't notice the car behind us.
"Where are you?" An Autobot responded into the comm. Optimus began telling them our location.
Although Optimus was trying his best not to talk too loud, I was woken up.
I blinked a few times before realizing we were still on the road.
I looked at Optimus who had no clue I had woken up and still tried to be silent.
"What are you doing?" I asked him. Although his hologram form was not here, I could tell I spooked him a little.
"We are being followed." Optimus stated.
My eyes widened and I immediately looked behind us to see a police car behind us. Not close, but not that far away either.
"Is that a Decepticon or an actual poli-"
"Decepticon." Optimus interrupted.
I nodded my head and sat back, pulling my knees to my chest.
"Do you know what it wants?"
I asked again.
"You, probably." Optimus blankly said.
What's goin on with this bitch? That's not a problem for him? How he say that so casually?
"How are you so calm over that?" I tapped his dashboard with the palm of my hand.
"I'm not. I'm just trying not to lose control of myself and transform. I don't want to lose you again. And we can't go home or else it would just lead the Decepticons to where we are staying." Optimus explained. He had a little bit of worry in his tone.
I hummed in response and wrapped my arms around my legs, forming a little ball on the seat.
Then, an idea shot into my head. Probably a bad idea but it could work.
I had a gun that I always kept latched to my ankle in case of emergency's. This is one of them.
I grabbed it and pressed the button on the sides of Optimuses doors, opening the window.
"Y/n! What are you doing?!" Optimus panicked.
"Don't worry about it. Just drive."

End of Chapter Eleven.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Stay tuned~

Words: 1221

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