Chapter 25. Paperwork

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I had woken up a few hours ago and currently I was working on a bit of paperwork that I had to do. Ever since the Autobots came into play, I've been put in charge of watching them and making sure everything is under control. Sure, it's almost like we all look after each other by the way I look at it. But, even I have to do a little paperwork sometimes just to keep in check with everything and even other things.
But, this time, it was just a little bit of work.
It was a lot.
Like, it was a whole stack of paper. Probably about a whole two centimetres of paperwork stacked onto my offices desk.
If I could flip off whoever made paperwork,
I would.
Optimus had his back turned to me while he was talking about Decepticon stuff and what would happen or what would be the plan if we ever came into contact with them again.

As I wrote word by word, my hand slowly started to stop writing.
Like it cramped into place and I couldn't move it anymore.
But it wasn't any regular cramp.
I began to see those symbols again and I just.. I just had to write it down somewhere.
I couldn't write it on the paperwork, so that wouldn't work. I looked through my drawers and everything for maybe a blank piece of paper but nope.
But then, I found a pencil sharpener.
Perfect. I thought.
I took it out of my drawer and began to take it apart, getting the blade out of the small thing.
I breathed heavily as I held the blade, getting ready to draw.
I lifted up my my shirt and straightened my posture, sucking in my stomach to give me more space on my skin.
I slowly began to carve the symbols into my skin, blood slowly flowing out of the cuts that I made. I kept my cries in as this need for these symbols grew more, and I began to hastily
(with excessive speed or urgency; hurriedly.) carve the symbols all over me.
At first, I didn't realize the voices calling my name and telling me to stop. I had just kept going, creating more open wounds.
Something grabbed my hand and held it away from my stomach. I had no more room on my stomach, but that gave my uncontrolled mind an idea.
I finally looked at my blood covered hands and bloody blade. I threw the blade onto my desk and got down on the ground, beginning to
mark the ground with the symbols.
I was out of control. My mind had been taken over by symbols.
Maybe this is what drove my uncle crazy? Maybe Sam was right about it. Who knows. But god, this felt good to get all of this out.

Suddenly, I had been grabbed and held in place.
"Y/N.!" Optimuses voice rung in my ears.
Almost like something clicked in my head, everything stopped and seemed normal again.
"Y/n, talk to me. What is going on?!" Ratchets voice tuned in in my ears.
I stuttered to say anything, only getting the starting of words out and then cutting them off short.
Optimus rushed me to the Medical bay and Ratchet began to thoroughly bandage my wounds.
"Y/n, please, don't do that again!" Optimus gently cupped my face and made me look at his, his bright blue optics taking over mine.
"I-I.. I won't.." I mumbled.
Optimus knew something was wrong.
But he wasn't sure what it was.
"Her wounds luckily aren't vital, but she will be okay as long as she doesn't hurt herself around that area for a while. I'd suggest having someone with her at all costs to make sure those heal properly and quickly."
Ratchet spoke, finishing up with the bandages.
Optimus gently hugged me putting his hand on my back to support it.
I took a deep breath before leaning into him, putting my forehead against his shoulder.
"I will take care of her." Optimus said to Ratchet, who agreed with him.


FINALLY. AFTER HOURS, I was finally done all that stupid paperwork that was piled up on my desk.
I sat back in my chair and slowly spun in it. Optimus watched as I did so, and found it quite amusing.
The blood that I had marked on the floor had been cleaned up and was just the regular floor again.
"Y/n, how do you know those symbols.?" Optimus asked me, putting a hand on my chair to stop it from spinning.
"Well.. back at Sam's house when he was getting ready to go to his college, I was helping pack his clothes when a shard of the Allspark fell out of one of his sweaters.
I picked it up and that's when I started to see the symbols." I explained, facing Optimus.
He thought for a moment and something seemed to click in his head.
"Y/n, do you know where the shard is now?" He asked, his voice sounding rushed.
"Yeah, it's with Sam. Why?" I asked.
"We have got to leave. He is in danger." Optimus stood up and so did I, but I winced and leaned over in pain because I had stretched my wounds.
"No. You stay here. I can't undergo you getting hurt again." Optimus put a hand on my shoulder and sat me back down.
"No! Sam is in danger and I'm his sister! I have to help protect him." I argued, darting my eyes at Optimus.
He sighed and I seen his hand form to a fist but quickly calm. He approached me and swiftly picked me up, turning around and running to his truck. I was gently put in the passengers seat and his holoform disappeared, his truck starting up.

End of Chapter Twenty-Five.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Stay tuned~

Words: 990

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