Chapter 8. Escaping

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Combing through my hair.
Something was combing through my hair.
I slowly opened my eyes, not having to get used to any light because I was in something.
Wait.. where am I?
I fully opened my eyes and seen a metal chest.
It was Optimus. I looked up to see him with his eyes shut. I sort of smiled at his resting face, his hands gently brushing through my locks.
"Optimus!" I whispered, patting his chest with the palm of my hand. His eyes opened up and his bright blue eyes shined. He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Oh, sorry. I thought you were sleeping.." I muttered, resting my head back onto his chest.
My legs were around his waist and my arms were wrapped around him. I've got to admit, it was quite comfortable.
"There's a surprise waiting for you in your constructing room." Optimus said, his hand stopped combing my hair. "Hm? Is it another one of my orders?" I asked him, getting up.
I opened up the passengers door and hopped out, Optimus following.
I opened up the door to my constructing room
and walked to the table where I had last left the half finished left arm.
But when I stood infront of the table, my eyes widened. There were two arms there, completely finished. I covered my dropped jaw with my hands with a gasp.
"Who did this?!" I excitedly shrieked, turning to Optimus.
"I did. I had a spare blade also so I installed it instead of the smaller one. The tips of the fingers also turn to sharp pointed knifes." Optimus stated, picking up one of the arms.
He held up my arm and slid on the arm piece, allowing me to adjust my feel in it. It fit perfectly. "How did you know how to fit it so well?" I asked him.

He held my hands very gently, like I was some porcelain doll that could break easily.
He rubbed his thumbs up and down the back of my hand, getting a feel of what my hands felt like and if it was any different to my face.
But no, they were soft, and perfect.

Optimus broke eye contact with me and rubbed the back of his head at the thought.
"I'm a Prime, it's easy for me to figure this stuff out." Optimus thought that was a lame excuse for what he was doing last night but it seemed to fly right by me without a single problem.
I took off the arms and gently put them back onto the table. Then, I faced Optimus and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you so much!" I said, resting my head against his metal chest. A bright light pink  light shown on his cheeks. He covered his mouth with his face and wrapped one arm around me. Optimus worried.
He worried that he might actually be catching something for me. It would be harder to protect his teammates if this feeling grew any more. But he couldn't help it.
When you touched him, he felt aroused.
This was the first time he had felt this way for anyone. And it had only been two days.
"Alright, alright, your welcome." Optimus had gently pushed me away, taking a slight step back.
"I-I have to go talk to Ratchet about something. I will be back. If you leave this room, I will be extremely upset." Optimus stated, leaving the room.

What could he possibly have to talk about with Ratchet?


Optimuses pov.

Why can't I control myself?! She's just a girl. Nothing more. I thought, returning from my hologram form to my alt form. I transformed into my regular self and stood up, heading to the other Autobots.
They seemed to be playing cards, Ironhide being dramatic cause he was obviously loosing.
"Ratchet. May I speak to you?" I called out to him, grasping his attention.
"Ooooo someone's in trouble." The twins joked, both earning a smack on the back of the head.
Ratchet stood up and walked towards me.
I took him somewhere the other Autobots wouldn't hear and sighed.
"What's up?" Ratchet asked, crossing his arms.
"I think loosing Y/n had done something to me." I stated, looking down.
"Well, your her guardian. Of course it would have had some sort of impac-" "No. I've been feeling this.. tingly and warm feeling in my spark whenever she touches me. Or if I touch her. Or when she talks to me a certain way, or how she moves, it just makes me want to.. feel her? I don't have the words.." I looked up at Ratchet and his eyes were wide, jaw dropped.
Ratchet yelled to the others, them all immediately coming over to us.
"Ratchet, what are you doing?!" I harshly whispered.
"Whoever said that Optimus wouldn't immediately gain a crush on Y/n has to do 200 push-ups." Arcee,  Jetfire, and Jolt began to get down and do push-ups.
"You guys bet on me?!" I asked, crossing my arms. "Well duh, these losers obviously have bad taste. Y/n is hot." Ironhide stated, moving his eyebrows up and down at me.
I looked at Ironhide in jealousy, which he immediately backed off.
"The way you look at her, you make it obvious!
And you won't let her out of your sight which is suspicious too." Ratchet playfully nudged my arm.
"I do that because I promised to keep her
safe!—" "And because you love her~!"
I sighed and let my arms dangle at my sides in defeat.
"I guess so. I have to get back to her to make sure she's alright. Do not say a word to her or anyone about this or believe me, I will kill you."
I glared at the Autobots and they only chuckled, nodding their heads.


Your pov.

Oh my god! This is my chance to move around a little without being followed or watched!!
I happily thought, hearing Optimuses footsteps walk away from the door.
I waited a little longer until I heard a bunch of loud, metal footsteps walking towards and then away from the door. Like something had just passed by. I slowly opened up the door and peeked out, checking if I was okay to go.
When I didn't see Optimus or any of the other Autobots, I quickly walked out of the room and into my open spaced lab.
I then went into the hallways of the lab and to the exit, grabbing my car keys from my pocket.

Once I had exited the building, I was finally free from Optimus.

My first stop, home.

End of Chapter Eight.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Stay tuned~

Words: 1127

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