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"Abhi, where are we going next?" Akshara asked cutely as they exited the carnival, because she knew he's something special planned for her, and not the same old rooftop dinner or something.—Not that she didn't like it, she would love anything if it's with Abhi but she preferred these silly little things they did, like going to a Valentine's market, enjoying in the carnival, kissing on top of the Ferris wheel. It's silly, cliché but all them.

"First, come here." Her husband replied as he took her hand in his, and without a word he leaned down to pick her up in his arms, in bridal style.

"Abh-Abhi!" A surprised giggle left her mouth as she blushed crimson red noticing some people looking at them and smiling. "Oh my god...Chidkuram, let me down. They're all looking at us." She mumbled hiding her face in his neck as he began to walk.

"Who cares? I'm carrying my wife. The husbands can lift their wives or the wives can ask them." He retorted back as he lifted her higher in his arms, she was light as feather and he loved feeling her nuzzled in his neck.

Akshara Birla thought about his statement which was indeed right, so she decided to not care as well, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and enjoyed him carrying her all the way to their next destination, not taking her eyes off him even for one second.

Their next stop wasn't that far, in fact it was fifteen minutes walk from the market. "The lakeside?" She asked to Abhi. He winked down at her but otherwise didn't tell anything as he continued down the stairs of the lake.

"Wait, Abhi...I don't understand. Are we taking—" She couldn't finish her phrase as he carefully placed her on the ground or rather—"ferry!?"

Abhimanyu kissed the surprise off her mouth as he pushed her further in the ferry, taking her to the spot where they'll be alone as the driver was in his own cabin, starting the engine, giving their needed privacy.

Akshara's hands went up to her mouth as she took in everything around her. The whole ferry was decorated in colorful fairy lights,  red heart shaped balloons and rose petals, and on the front side, in the center, there's their dinner along with a sky lantern. Her eyes glistened as she stood rooted on spot not moving an inch. She remembered it. She recalled her younger self watching Rapunzel and wishing to be the Rapunzel on a boat, in the middle of the lake, with her Flynn next to her as they light a lantern together.

Her love had recreated the whole scene as she saw the sky lanterns flying in the middle of the of the lake, few other couples lighted their lanterns too but she didn't care about it, her Abhi, her Docman did all of this for her, just because she once wrote it on a wishlist when she was still a teen.

"Oye!" His voice snapped her out of her trance and she stared at him, tears sliding down. "Why are you crying now, Baba?" He shook his head at her, while wiping away her tears. "You're gonna ruin your makeup." He joked. And she only cried more before throwing her arms around his neck, burying her face in his neck. She just—she couldn't even explain how she felt now. She didn't know a man could do this to his love, fulfilling her every present wish was one thing but fulfilling her past wishes was another thing. This man, her Abhi was every girl's dream. He just, he made her life so, so beautiful to live. She never thought that her life would be this happy, heck she didn't even think of her happiness before meeting her Abhi. But since the day, he met her, he's been living for her. She didn't know how many people were blessed with this kind of love but she had already made up her mind to be selfish about him. She was blessed with him as her soulmate and she'd have him in this birth and in her every other birth.

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