Dont Want You To Die

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I held my hands in the pockets of my hoodie as I kicked a few rocks down the busy sidewalk. People were roaming the streets with more purpose than i could ever wish to have. My fingers curled around the small stuffed cat in my pocket. Every time I held it, it was like I was holding him. It was a painful reminder of the worst day of my life and yet i still clung to it. I clung to the only memory of the only people I could've ever had hoped to call family.

The breeze kicked up, and I shivered against it. It was a colder night than usual, and I was not dressed for the occasion. Not that i had much choice. These were the only clothes i owned.

"Good evening," a friendly yet gentle voice forced me to tear my head from the ground and look up. His eyes were a beautiful shade of brown - welcoming and delightful. His wavy hair rippled with beauty against the icy wind, drawing my attention to bandages around his neck. I let my eyes follow them until they became covered by a white dress shirt, cloaked with a tan duster. The bandages spread to the mans hands and long but elegant fingers that were making a departure from the pockets of his coat.

When I didnt respond, he didnt seem to take it personal. He instead reached a hand out towards me. I flinched, taking a step back cautiously. He seemed nice, but I couldnt let him touch me.

"Im Dazai," he beamed at me, seemingly unphased by my response. The smile he gave me was pleasant, and it made me want to return his greeting, but i couldnt.

"Youre Kiriko, right?" He tilted his head, but dropped his hand into his side. I gave him the slightest of nods, but took another step back. It wasnt that I was afraid of him. He seemed genuinely kind, unlike most people i encountered outside this bar. I just didnt want to risk hurting another person. He stood in place as i backed up until my body hit the wall.

The man who called himself Dazai pulled the tan coat off his body, and took slow steps towards me. He acted like he was afraid that I would bolt. I froze in place, watching cautiously as he held the coat out. I wouldnt flee from him, even if he posed a threat. Honestly, I didnt quite care what happened to me. I was a ghost in these streets. Nobody would miss me, and I probably wouldn't even miss myself. Him, however. People would miss him, no doubt.

The brunette turned his fingers inwards, gesturing me to move forward. I dont know why I listened, but I did. He was slow but relaxed with his movements as he whipped the coat around me. Thankful that my hands were tucked into my pocket, I looked up at him. I wondered what story my eyes told him, because he didnt even seem to acknowledge the state of me.

My clothes were tattered and worn, my hair hadnt been brushed in months (which resulted in a massive knot), and I couldnt even remember the last time I showered. I suddenly felt self conscious. What if I smell bad? What If i ruin his nice coat?

"Are you hungry?" He asked. God was I ever. I hadn't eaten in over a week, and it probably showed. Im sure my face was beginnng to resemble a skeleton. I could even feel the sunken in skin whenever i touched it myself.

"Tell you what. Let's go have some dinner, my treat," his cheeks rose with his endearing grin.

He turned on his heel, and I shuffled behind him through the busy streets. I pulled his jacket tighter around me, savoring its warmth. The night lights of the town reflected off the shine of his hair, casting a beautiful glow over him. He was much taller than me, but it wasnt intimidating. I did question his motives, though. What on earth would he want with me? Its not like i had anything to offer him.

I didnt have much time to ponder before i felt the wrath of starvation hit me like a ton of bricks. I didnt usually walk this much, as I always tried to conserve my energy, but he had been so generous. I didnt want to be rude and turn him down. He seemed like the type to take THAT personal of all things. I was quickly regretting that decision as the waves of people began to blur around me.

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